Grundtvig - Archimedes

Grundtvig - Archimedes

Grundtvig - Archimedes


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Workshop Reference number: 2011-1-AT1-GRU13-04930<br />

Venue: Baden Date of the Workshop: 28/11/2011 - 04/12/2012<br />

Explore new horizons – Women explore new occupational worlds<br />

(Aufbruch zu neuen Horizonten – Frauen erobern neue Welten)<br />

Subject area: Gender issues, equal opportunities<br />

Strategies for stimulating demand for learning<br />

Working language(s): EN<br />

Target Group + Translation:<br />

• Women interested in expanding their competences, in setting new (unusual) objectives (private<br />

and occupational), and in generating appropriate targets. • Women interested in exploring<br />

personality traits that boost the careers of women who have reached extraordinary positions (private<br />

and occupational) and who want to get to know such strategies. • Women willing to exchange<br />

experience regarding “untypical private and occupational careers”. “Private careers” Maybe the<br />

management of an extended family (5 or more children) is particularly interesting for women, who<br />

feel overcharged already by one child – or the successful arrangement of family and occupation.<br />

Main activities Programme + Programme translation:<br />

• Knowledge of the own world and boundaries, expansion through reflection (empirical values,<br />

exchange, paragons, group discussions, modelling-processes, …). • Development of an individual<br />

consistent target and appropriate achievements of objectives plus (self-)motivation strategies and<br />

tools for self-control. • Guidance to an autonomous personality development. • Transfer of the topic<br />

“development as continuous process” with the focuses “targets, motivation, and<br />

appreciation/feedback” for all domains of life. • Expansion of the view. Living and historical<br />

successful women shall serve as examples. • Discussions, excursions, creative workshops,<br />

roleplayings, network-meetings with established women-networks (e.g. Österreichischer<br />

Frauenring, OGV), and interviews about and with “atypical” women. • Address of cognitive levels<br />

(knowledge) and self-reflexiveness (awareness) as well as practical experiences, whereby a holistic<br />

sustainable learning will be offered.<br />

Workshop Organiser:<br />

ibis acam Bildungs GmbH<br />

Contact details: Stachegasse 13<br />

1120 Wien<br />


E-mail: info@ibisacam.at<br />

www.ibisacam.at<br />


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