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You know that moment right before you wake up? When you’re still not

fully out of the realm of dreams yet not into the real world either? Yeah, that

moment. That moment was always when I felt more at peace.

I could pretend my parents were still here, could pretend mama and I

were making enchiladas in the kitchen while papa and Valentina were

laughing in the living room. I could pretend Maddox would come by and eat

dinner with us, talking soccer with papa and complimenting mama’s cooking.

I could pretend I was majoring in art history like I’d always wanted and not

fucking political science like dad wanted me to. I could pretend I had

someone other than my sister to count on, to care for, and to love.

What I loved most about that moment between fantasy and reality, was

that anything could happen, my past mixed with both my future and my

dreams, giving me something I could never have but yearned for so deeply I

could feel it in my soul.

Slowly coming to my senses, I felt something soft brush my stomach

underneath my shirt. It felt good and warm, like a heating pad made of velvet.

A low moan came out of me before I could do anything about it. My body

was so relaxed, for the first time in forever. It was so warm under the thick

covers as rays of sunshine seeped through the window and crashed directly

on my face. Burrowing my head in the pillow beneath me, the scent of cedar

wood assaulted my nostrils and I inhaled it like an addict.

That scent. It was familiar.

Just as I was trying to recall where I knew it from, the covers moved, a

groan coming from behind me. I froze, dread pitting in my stomach, not

daring to open my eyes as I could feel the panic seep into me for a second.

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