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needed color.

Looking at my angel, I smiled when I saw she was playing with a little

boy her age. They smiled and giggled to themselves, chasing each other. It

felt like forever since I heard her laugh so freely and I missed that sound.

But like every good thing in my life, it didn’t last.

Suddenly the little boy who was being chased by my sister tripped on his

own two feet and fell to the ground. Everything happened so fast, one minute

the kids were playing, the next the boy was wailing and his mother was

running to him, yelling at my sister.

I got up and rushed towards them, ready to pacify her and tell her to back

the fuck off Valentina.

“What did you do to him? Can’t you be more careful!” Her beady eyes

narrowed as she pointed a perfectly manicured finger towards my sister.

The look of fright in Valentina’s eyes was all it took to put me in a rage.

She didn’t react well to being yelled at, it triggered her.

“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to?” Startled, she turned around

and looked appalled to see me approach.

“Your spawn tripped my little boy!”

“Your little boy is a dumbass who thought looking behind him while

running was a smart idea and tripped.” She audibly gasped.

The other mothers started to surround us, looking as shocked and upset as

the fake blond in front of me.

“How dare you! You shouldn’t even be here! Criminals like you belong in

jail, not in playgrounds! You’re a danger to our community!”

I could feel my nostrils flaring, anger simmering in my blood. I wasn’t a

criminal. I was a goddamn survivor and posh little bitches like her could

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