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He scratched the back of his neck, a boyish look on his reddening face.

I appreciated that he had the decency to act like a gentleman and seemed

even more uncomfortable than I felt. I had no doubt anyone else would have

looked their fair share before even mentioning anything to me, watching me

make an even bigger fool out of myself.

I couldn’t look at him as he left the room and he wouldn’t meet my gaze


Oh my God I flashed the cop investigating my parents’ murder and who

I was supposed to be living with soon.

I think at this point there’s no denying to myself that I was attracted to

him. Maddox was so obviously gorgeous. Tall, strong, he had mesmerizing

eyes… and to top it off he was nice. Actually nice.

From experience, I knew I should be more careful and not jump to the

conclusion that because he was liked by everyone in town it meant he was a

good person. Yet, there was just something, a voice at the back of my mind,

that was screaming at me to let go of my wariness and just trust him.

He stood by me and washed blood out of my hair, he was willing to

disrupt his whole life to give me and my sister the chance to stay together,

and even before that, he might have been a bit of an ass whenever we came

across each other, but not once did he make me feel less than.

Hell, he’d always say I had a great potential. He was the only officer on

the force who never referred to my art as vandalism, telling me instead that I

was talented and should put this talent to good use.

Now that I thought about it, Maddox was probably one of the only

constants in my life. Had been for the last five years. And I felt fucking safe

with him.

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