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screams of my mother. They did so many horrible things to her, Maddox…" I

cried softly, “They made my father watch while they—” I couldn’t bring

myself to say it. It hurt too much reminiscing.

“They slit her throat when they were done with her, then they stabbed my

father. Several times.”

I knew my words must have been familiar to him, because that's exactly

what I had told him and Adam when they interrogated me the day after the

murders. I knew I wouldn't be able to fake being sad over the crazy fucks that

were Jack and Marcella, so I had to put some truth in my words.

“Oracio took us. Said mama owed him for running away, and we were the

payment. We never saw Canada again.”

I could see this was a lot for him to take in.

It was a lot for me to say. I felt lightheaded, I just wanted to sleep.

“Did he— did he hurt you and Valentina?” I smiled sadly at his question.

“Only me. I would have died before I let him anywhere near my little

rose. Plus, we had a deal.” At his frown, I felt the urge to elaborate. Shame

warmed my stomach at what I was about to admit. “Our deal was simple. If I

didn’t fight him, he wouldn’t touch my sister.”

I saw him being confused for a second before it dawned on him. Blood

drained from his face as he stared in stunned silence for a few seconds.

“Fuck, Sofia, how old were you?”


Internally, I cried for the little girl I had been. I cried for the fact that she

didn't get to grow up and have a normal childhood. I cried over the fact that

she had to learn of sacrificing herself before she ever saw someone sacrifice

themselves for her.

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