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After a second, she nodded. Fuck, I was glad that bastard was dead. I

should have poured more poisoned water down his throat.

“Jack loved him like a son. When I turned seventeen and he received

some kind of award from the city, he wanted to celebrate and show Conan

some… gratitude.” I could feel bile rising up my throat. “He gave him free

reign over me for a night.” Her lips quivered as she looked away.

"It was so humiliating. Dehumanizing. Like I was just a disposable object

one could pass around like he pleased. I hate them so, so much, Maddox. I

hope they're burning in hell."

I couldn't take it anymore and pushed away from her, sitting down on the

edge of the bed, breathing deeply, my feet on the ground. Elbows on my

knees, I held my head between my hands as I could feel a killer headache

make its way to me.

How strong did you have to be to deal with all of this and still try to live

your life? That was killing me inside and I wasn’t even the one who

experienced it so how did she cope?

“But he's dead, now Maddox.” I heard Sofia shuffle behind me and her

arms circled my waist as she rubbed her face against my back like a cat. “I

don't want to let dead people ruin my life anymore. They’ve done it enough

while they were alive.”

“What happened that night? How did you do it?"

I heard her take a big breath before she started her tale.

“First, we needed a scapegoat. My friend found Harold on the police data

server when he hacked into it. He was registered as a recidivist sex offender,

so we knew he wouldn't be missed. He approached Harold at a bar and

convinced him to rob the mayor’s house with him while he was supposedly

away on business and then split whatever they found. Harold was in. I let the

backdoor open before going upstairs that night and that’s how they got in

once I gave my friend the signal. I waited until Jack and Marcella were both

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