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with an angry Maddox.

“I’ll fucking drop out then! Raising Valentina is more important than any

level of education!” That was probably the last thing I should have said

while knowing he was already angry to begin with, because the thought of me

dropping out of college? It enraged him.

Maddox really got in my face after that. He didn’t yell, no, he did worse.

His jaw tense, he stopped centimeters away from my face and with an eery

stillness he spat:

“Like fucking hell you will.”

My chest was erratically moving up and down by then, I was torn

between wanting to apologize, or wanting to claw his eyes out for thinking he

could tell me what to do. In the end, I didn’t cower away from him, I even

moved closer just to show him he wasn’t intimidating me.

“You don’t know how far I’d go for that little girl. She’s the only thing I

have left of my parents, she’s my only family. What I did that night will seem

like child’s play compared to what I’d do to anyone trying to keep us apart.”

Venom was laced with my words, and I expected him to completely go off

after I said that.

Yet, against all odds, I saw his eyes flash with what could only be

described as arousal.

It disappeared as soon as I saw it, because Maddox was at least as good

as me when it came to hiding his emotions, but I knew what arousal looked

like, and I knew for whatever reason, having me stand my ground and talk

back to him had turned him on. Maybe it should have weirded me out by it,

but it didn't. Quite the contrary.

His breathing turned erratic and he looked through my eyes like he had a

direct view on my soul. For what felt like hours but only were mere minutes,

no one moved. We were standing so close our breaths mingled, and our

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