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When I woke up it was dark outside and the silence inside the room was

deafening. My eyes felt puffy, my throat raw. I had no doubt I looked as bad

as I felt. Dried tears stained my cheeks, and my lips felt sore from how much

I’d bitten them in the last twenty four hours, the cut from yesterday probably


I groaned as I sat up, my head was fucking throbbing with a killer

headache and it felt like I’d been rolled over by a four wheeler.

“There’s Tylenol and water on the bedside table” I yelped, startled by the

deep voice coming from the corner of the room. I nearly broke my neck

turning towards it.

Maddox was sitting on the armchair, legs spread, tie undone and shirt

sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He looked positively handsome, even with

exhaustion marking his face. My eyes were drawn to the veins on his

forearms, bulging out as he squeezed his hands together. His elbows rested

on his knees as he leaned down slightly, looking at me.

“How are you feeling?” He asked, getting up and walking to my side of

the bed. My eyes didn’t leave him as he prowled in my direction.

“Like shit.” Was my hoarse answer.

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and brought my knees to my chest,

feeling the sheets against my chin. I was still in my outside clothes, which

gave me the ick because mama always said you should never lay on your

clean bed with dirty clothes.

Damn, I missed her so much.

Maddox sat on the side of the bed and grabbed the Tylenol. He popped

two and handed them to me with the bottle of water. I gulped them down

immediately, never meeting his eyes but feeling them dig holes on the side of

my head.

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