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put my elbows on my desk.

“Sit and talk, I don’t have much time, gotta pick up my girl from dance

class in an hour.” Calling Valentina my girl felt more natural than saying ‘my

ward’. Plus I didn’t have time to explain our complicated relationship.

“I’m from north of the Bridge,” Aiden started, and I instantly understood

why the Ravenbridge police didn’t do shit about him.

See, that town, which was situated right next to Lakestone, was divided

by a bridge, creating two very distinct parts. North Bridge was not really

well reputed, it was where most of the city’s crimes emanated from, where

the poverty rates were higher and where kids typically got in trouble. South

Bridge on the other hand, was the complete opposite. The richest elites lived

there, houses which looked more like mansions, country clubs, everything

you thought of when the words ‘fancy’ and ‘posh’ came to mind.

I, myself, came from a pretty wealthy family but thank God our parents

never raised us to be spoiled brats. They always made sure we knew how

lucky and privileged we were. From the few altercations I’d had with them, I

can’t really say the same about Ravenbridge elites. I’d always thought it was

insane to have such drastically different sides within the same town. A

Northy family could make a year what a Southy made in a day, and nobody

said anything about it, acting like it was a normal occurrence.

Aiden took the seat Sofia had vacated earlier, which made me look at my

phone to see if she answered the dozen phone calls and messages I left her.

She didn’t.

“Oscar Vasquez, my thirteen year old neighbor, went to his football

practice directly after school but when I went to get him at four, he wasn’t

there. I thought maybe he’d hitched a ride with a teammate’s mom or

something, but he’s not answering his phone. I usually have his location but

even that has been turned off. I— listen, I normally wouldn’t be bothering

you but I truly have a bad feeling about all of this. He’s the closest thing I

have to a brother.” he let out a breath and continued.

“I went to the station over in Ravenbridge, the pigs fucking laughed in my

face, said I was behaving like an old lady who lost her grandson at the fair.

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