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That nicked my heart and had me on the verge of crying but I held on. My

beautiful, brave girl. My little rose.

We stayed that way for a few minutes, I think mainly because neither of us

wanted to let go of the other. Then, eventually, we pulled away and started

walking into the park. She wanted to go to the playground first, so that’s

where we headed.

Valentina gave me one last smile before running towards the slides as I

sat down on a bench near it. Next to me, the raging mom squad whispered to

themselves, tossing me the occasional side look.

I ignored them.

They didn’t deserve me to even acknowledge their poor, miserable

existence. They wanted to talk about me? Let them. The whole town was,


Ever since word got out about me killing that man, townsfolk seemed to

be… almost scared of me. Never mind that the newspaper specified that it

had been self-defense, never mind that I was never even charged.

Apparently, in their self righteous, narrow little minds, since I’d been

capable of taking a life once, I could do it a second time.

To be completely honest, I don’t think they would have reacted that way

had it been anyone else. People in Lakestone already hated me, and for

various reasons.

I was too loud, too opinionated, too wild, and disrespectful in their eyes.

What was funny is that the only thing I did to gain that reputation was

stand up for myself. I never took any of their shit, whether it was adults trying

to undermine me at galas or dinner parties or kids my age trying to bully me

for not feeling the need to belong with them.

Also, there was the fact that I was arrested for painting on some of their

properties. But in my defense, all those white facades looked bland. They

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