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He stared at me intently so I continued.

“Does the nickname The Mexican Oracle ring a bell?”

Maddox frowned, thinking for a bit, before nodding, “The famous

Mexican crime lord? Reigned over all of Texas and several other southern

states on top of the North of Mexico?” I nodded. “Yeah, I do. He was

ruthless, the FBI tried tracking him down for years but it was like he always

knew what they were gonna do and where they were gonna be. That’s why

they nicknamed him the Oracle. He saw their every move coming. He was

found dead a year ago in one of his warehouses.” I nodded again. All he said

was very true.

“Well, Oracio was my mother’s uncle. She went to live with him when

she was seven.” The look in his eyes told me he understood where I was

getting at. Oracio was a ruthless man. He was known to dabble in all kinds of

traffic. Drugs, arms… sex.

“He… he abused her, sexually. For years.” I gulped, knowing very well

the pain my mother had gone through. “Until eventually, she got pregnant.

With me. ” I pinched my lips together to keep me from crying. It was never

easy acknowledging the fact that that monster was my biological father. Not

after what he did to my parents. Not after what he did to us.

I couldn’t look up at Maddox.

“When she found out she was pregnant, she decided she could not stay

there, so she fled Mexico. She only had the clothes on her back, a few snacks

and water, and a couple thousand dollars she had stolen from him. She got

into the US, I don’t know how but she made it to a small town in Louisiana,

called Olympe.” A small smile graced my lips when I thought of what

happened next.

“She met my dad there, my papa. Ro— Valentina’s biological dad. Not


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