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glaring at the elements in front of me.

At the center, I put a picture of Jack and Marcella Raymond I had gotten

from their house on the day we went to retrieve some stuff with Sofia. They

were both smiling for the cameras, Jack was sitting on a chair while his wife

stood behind him with a perfectly manicured hand on his shoulder. The

politician poster card. Marcella’s short blond hair (she dyed it, I think) and

tanned skin looked perfect, as always, and the cream high-heels she wore

made her look even taller than she already was.

Staring at them, I narrowed my eyes, thinking maybe if I concentrated

enough the answer would leap in front of me.

“What the hell happened to you two…” I had to cut my musings short

when I started putting the pictures of our other suspects all around theirs.

Conan went in first, because even though his body was now mostly a pile

of gunk— Jerry’s words, not mine, I still didn’t trust that son of a bitch. He

had the perfect motive, he was creepy enough and we actually had proof he

had a key to Raymond’s house. Next to his picture, I set Harold’s, wondering

what these two had in common or how they could even have met. It didn’t

make sense, they grew up in totally different towns— Harold was from North

Ravenbridge, while Conan was born and raised here in Lakestone.

It was hardly even possible these two ever crossed paths, let alone

planned murders together.

I had retrieved Conan’s phone information from his cell company and

there were no strange numbers listed there. There weren’t many numbers to

begin with, to be completely honest. The only thing that threw me off a bit

was that he had called Jack’s number several times after his death, which

didn’t make sense given the fact that Jack’s phone and all his personal

belongings were sealed and at the station. Maybe he just wanted to hear his



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