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Sisters. Different flowers from the same garden.

Jasmine Flores.

Those were the words engraved on Sofia’s box. I figured Jasmine Flores

was the poet or writer behind that quote.

It made me smile, because the saying was cute and totally representative

of Sofia and Valentina. They were so different yet together they created the

most beautiful sight, just like flowers in a garden.

As I held the box in my hands and walked back to my room— our room

now, I couldn’t help but wonder what was in there. I would never betray

Sofia’s trust and open it, but I hoped one day she would trust me enough to

show me what was in there.

I put it on her nightstand proudly before splaying the colorful blanket on

the bed. It sure contrasted a lot, given that my beddings— and the rest of my

furniture were mostly black, but I loved the touch of color it gave the room. It

represented Sofia and the impact she had on my dark, boring life, pretty well.

Everything was perfect, all I had left to do was get ready, get Sofia and

meet Adam in front of Valentina’s school when it let out.

This was gonna be fun.



“Sofia, I’m going on break!” Mary, my pain in the ass co-worker yelled

right before I heard the back door slam behind her.

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