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hung out other than that one session per week, but somehow she was easy to

confide in.

Her black curls fell over her open book as we sat quietly in the back of

Lakestone Academy’s library. It was around four thirty so most of the school

was empty, but since the library didn’t close until seven, we usually took

advantage of that.

She looked at me sheepishly, like she was trying to tell me tactfully that

she was not on my side. Tact wasn’t one of Sammie’s forte, though.

“I mean… You did go through some pretty traumatic shit. It would make

sense to talk to someone.” She shrugged and went back scribbling on her


Sammie was smart as hell, and I knew she’d get into some elite college. I

mostly tutored her to bring her some more perspective and methodology,

which was what seemed to be lacking in her work. She was on the run to be

valedictorian too– a second time, since she’d been it her senior year, too.

The parents body didn't seem too pleased about that. They didn’t think a

scholarship student, especially one who wasn’t even from Lakestone should

represent their promo.

Sammie was also black and that certainly didn’t sit well in the narrow

little minds of the Lakestone elite. Lord knew, one of the reasons we had to

practically erase our heritage was because Jack Raymond feared he wouldn’t

get the support from the elite if they knew his daughters spoke better Spanish

than English.

“What do you mean he’s not wrong? He threatened to overrule me and

bring my sister to a therapist against my will. That’s the one reason I was

reticent about this whole custody thing in the first place, him not taking my

parenting decisions into consideration. Because, legally, he’s not obligated.

Hell, he could tell me to get my shit and be out of his apartment by morning

and there’s nothing I would be able to do about it. I can’t believe I was so

stupid as to give someone that much power over me.” I looked away, angrily

doodling on my notes.

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