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My eyes caught sight of a familiar oak tree and I shuddered as I recalled

where we were going. I had no idea if I was ready to set foot in that house

again, too many bad memories were attached to it. Not knowing how my

mind would react to being there again was scary.

“Stop thinking too hard about it.” Again, his voice startled me. “It’s just a

house, nothing in it can hurt you anymore.”

Our eyes collided before his warm and calloused hand engulfed my much

smaller one. On a spur, I turned it around and spread my fingers so that they

could entangle with his. I heard his small intake of breath, before he

squeezed my hand, still staring into my eyes like he could see right through

the depths of my soul.

His hand never left mine as we parked outside of the three stories house

that never truly felt like a home. Chills went through me as I stared at it. From

the outside, it looked so perfect that years from now, when Valentina and I

would be far away from here, nobody would have a clue about the crimes

that were committed inside it.

Right then, images of red splattered everywhere assaulted my brain. I

could hear blood curdling screams and feel the tears mixing with the blood

on my cheeks. Much like that first night in the hotel room, I could feel myself

starting to spiral out of control. My breaths were coming out ragged, a

deafening sound resonated inside my throbbing head, the nasty voice inside

my brain was screaming at me to let go of whatever remained of my sanity.

But I didn’t. I didn’t let go, I didn’t spiral, because the hand holding mine

was somewhat anchoring me into the real world and making sure I would not

be sucked into my own brain. It reminded me I wasn’t alone, that my sister

was counting on me, and that, maybe, my life mattered to one other person

aside from her, now.

“Breath, Sofia.” I nodded absentmindedly, his hand never leaving mine,

as we sat in silence for a few minutes. Maddox never spoke during that time,

like he knew that I needed time to work up the courage to go back where the

most terrifying night of my life took place.

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