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“What the hell happened to this guy? You sure this is Conan Michaels?”

Adam asked as he used his pen to poke the dead.

“Affirmative, sir. This is Conan Michaels. Fifteen hours after he ingested

the most powerful and foreign poison I have ever encountered.”


“Well, I stayed here all night to evaluate the samples from that water

bottle, and it seemed to contain the venom of more than eleven of the most

dangerous and venomous snakes in the world! ” God, I wish he didn't look so

excited to be telling us that. “That concoction was obviously created by a

human, by the way.”

“Yeah, I think we got that.”

Jerry cleared his throat, clearly put off by Adam’s authoritative tone.

“Well, on top of Boomslang— which is what caused all the bleeding by

the way, Black Mamba— which is what caused the heart attack, and a whole

bunch of other snakes’ venoms which I’m sure you wouldn’t know the name

of even if I told you, I also found traces of other toxins. Three of the deadliest

poisons in the world were inside that bottle: hemlock, mercure and Alopa


Adam and I shared a look. Whoever created that didn’t just want to kill

Conan, they wanted to annihilate him.

“It is truly fascinating! I’m sure I haven’t even found everything that was

inside that bottle yet, because look how fast this guy is decaying!

Something’s gotta be causing that, too. Whoever created that poison is a

fucking genius.”

I frowned, and grabbed Jerry’s report from his hands. This guy sure as

fuck spent too much time with the dead and it showed. He had no clue how to

deal with real human beings. Alive ones.

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