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of her weakened state. She was younger than me, thus more naive, and I was

older and should’ve known better than to give in to my desires.

The urge to bang my head against a wall returned, stronger than ever.

“Maddox.” She got up on her knees, started crawling off the bed and

towards me. I couldn’t have that.

“No. Please, just don’t. Not now.”

She stopped, eyebrows furrowing at my tone. I felt like such a fucking ass

putting distance between us right after sharing something so intimate, but I

had to. I fucking had to. For her, for Valentina, for the case. I owed it to her.

“I’m sorry, I never should’ve done that. It won’t happen again.”

I didn’t let her answer and just dived into the bathroom adjacent to the

room. Once inside and with the door locked, I leaned against it, releasing the

breath I didn’t know I was holding. I took some time to get my breathing in

order and once it was, rubbed my mouth, a habit I took on when I was still a

nervous and frustrated teen.

Only as my finger brushed against my lips, the sweet flavor of Sofia

rested upon them. Heart beating so fast I was afraid she would hear it from

the other side of the door, I slowly licked the stickiness off my lips. I

couldn’t help but groan, wishing I had taken a taste directly from the source.

I could see it already, Sofia lying down, her legs on either side of my

face, smothering me with her thighs while I just dived in her pussy, licking

and sucking at that taut little clit, her wetness running down her skin and

down my face, creating a puddle on my sheets.

Fuck, what I would give to have that happen.

But it couldn’t, of course, so I had to settle for pitifully licking my hand

clean. There wasn’t much of her on it, because most of her sweetness

remained on her shorts, but it was still enough to keep me from running back

to the bedroom and make her ride my face.

Mad at myself, I took my cum-stained clothes off and looked under the

sink where I kept a pair of pajama bottoms for when Derek came to visit.

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