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He didn’t call.

Maddox didn’t come home for dinner and he didn’t even call or text to

tell me.

Actually, I hadn’t heard from him all day. No text to ignore, no call to let

go straight to voicemail, nothing. I couldn’t even be obvious in my ignoring

him and letting him simmer.

I would be lying if I said it wasn’t worrying me. I would also be lying if I

said it didn’t piss me off.

He should be begging me for forgiveness, getting on his hands and knees

to grovel. That’s the main reason why I spent all day yesterday blowing him

off and why I hadn’t slept next to him last night.

Speaking of last night, I barely got any shut-eye. After dressing Valentina

in her pajamas, I put her under the covers and headed directly to my old

room, the one I used to sleep in before Maddox and I even got together. I

originally loved that room, it was cute and cozy, and it felt like me.

I had gotten home from class one day a week or two after we moved in

and found all kinds of candles, throw pillows and fleece blankets sitting on

the bed, waiting for me to use as decor. Maddox had gotten them for me

because he thought the room didn’t match me . He was right, it was all white

and had no color whatsoever because I didn’t feel comfortable enough to

truly make it mine.

That gesture was one of many that had me feeling way more at ease in this

apartment. I had added a couple of vases in which I put fake flowers

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