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going to speak, then thought better of it, and halfheartedly nodded, kissing her

teeth and making her discontentment known. I couldn’t bring myself to care.

“Don’t be too long. We’ll keep watch of sleeping beauty over there.”

Adam nodded to the backseat of Maddox’s car where my sister was still in

deep slumber.

There was something in his eyes as he looked at her. Sadness, longing,

nostalgia, his somewhat familiar green eyes were drowning in those. I didn’t

feel totally comfortable leaving her with virtual strangers, but I knew Adam

wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

“Come on.” With one last look at a suspicious Selena, I followed behind

Maddox as he opened the front door and ducked under the yellow crime

scene tape.

My breath caught in my throat as soon as we were standing in the foyer.

So many memories clouded my head at the moment. Some good, most bad,

but none making me want to stay here longer than needed.

“Let’s start with Valentina’s room. Just take some clothes and some things

you know she loves or will bring her comfort. The rest of your stuff will be

delivered to my place once the DA approves of you moving in while we wait

for trial.” I nodded at his instructions and led him upstairs.

We were supposed to have the DA’s temporary decision regarding our

situation by the end of today. Callie told us not to worry, that she was

working her magic and to trust her. We didn’t have any other option so I went

with it, but as the hours passed with no news from her, I started to lose hope.

Maddox climbed silently behind me, and with each step I took, I could

feel my heart beat faster and faster inside my chest. Like it was seconds away

from coming out of it. Once we reached the top of the stairs, I stopped. I

knew I needed to be brave, but it proved more and more difficult. My eyes

closed, I pictured Valentina’s face, her mischievous smiles and innocent

eyes. I had to do this. For her.

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