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“I don’t give a fuck about that, I want to see her!” She raised her voice

and sat up. “You never said anything about her being alone, you know how

terrified she is from last night, I need to be with her, Maddox.” Her eyes bore

into mine and it was my turn to clench my jaw.

In the few years I’d known her, she only called me by my name once—

yesterday when we were in her hotel room, alone.

Now I could feel Adam’s questioning gaze on me. If he started thinking

Sofia and I were on a first name basis, it could be bad for me. He could tell

Chief Piersons that I was too close to the victim and I would get taken off the


There’s no way I was letting this happen.

“It’s Detective Brooks, to you.” My words didn’t leave any room for

argument, and I saw something falter in her eyes, but I held my ground. “We

need your statement on what happened last night, Miss Raymond. You can’t

tell us everything with Valentina in the room, unless of course you want her to

hear about the men who murdered her parents in cold blood and tried to do

the same to her sister?” I lifted one of my eyebrows, eying her curiously.

She pinched her lips together, like she wanted to say something but then

decided against it. Sofia shook her head, making her black hair bounce. I

fisted my hands remembering how smooth it felt under my fingertips last

night. Yet another line I had crossed when it came to Sofia Raymond, and

somehow I couldn’t seem to regret it. I liked to think we had grown into an

amicable relationship over the years. After all, I was the one cop she seemed

to tolerate and respect the most.

However after what happened yesterday, it felt like the lines had blurred,

and I didn’t know where I stood. I wanted to be there for her as a friend, but I

also wanted to find the fucker who turned her life upside down and both

those things didn’t seem to be compatible.

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