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I hated the taste of betrayal that knowledge left on my tongue. But there

was nothing I could do about it, not when I was the one to betray his trust


Maddox seemed to hesitate, but then he rushed towards the hallway

leading to our rooms and came back a second later with my box.

He handed it to me and I grabbed it with weak hands. That night, my little

wooden box weighed a ton, probably because of all the heavy secrets it


Pushing down on the engraved flowers, I turned the little locket on the

side and it snapped open. I gulped.

What I was about to reveal to Maddox was something I had never told


It was something I had planned on telling him one day, when I actually

gathered the courage to do so without being scared of him leaving us.

Opening it up, the smell of dried jasmine hit my nostrils and I inhaled it

like an addict.

It had been a while since I took a walk down memory lane.

Retrieving the small piece of paper I knew would pretty much sum up

everything, I handed it to Maddox. He frowned, reading the cut-out

newspaper article I had printed seven years ago.

I didn’t need him to read aloud to know what was written there. I had

read it so many times I knew it by heart.

Flores family massacre: parents were found slaughtered in their house,

children are missing.

The town of Faithview is mourning four well-loved members of its

community this Monday morning. Jasmine and Antonio Flores were found

dead in their home late last night. The alert was given by a neighbor who

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