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Pushing himself off the window, he walked towards me slowly, almost

like a predator seeking his prey. Somehow I loved it.

When he came close enough, his hand grasped my throat in a soft grip and

made me look up at him. My heart of hearts was beating so fast at that

moment, a mix of excitement, wonder, surprise, and something else I couldn't

quite decipher.

“I don’t give a shit if you’re mad at me, Sofia. I am never spending

another night away from you. Matter of fact, I’m never even going to bed

while one of us is angry at the other. Life is too fucking short, and I’ll be

damned if the last thing we said to each other were curse words or dumb

threats we didn't even mean.”

I didn’t know what to answer. The restlessness I was feeling was still

here, still aching, and I didn’t know what to do with it. It yearned for a fight,

it yearned to let out some of the tension that had been accumulating for the

last few weeks. It just didn’t know how.

So I just glared at him as my brain kept on roaming for something to throw

his way but to no avail.

He seemed to notice my brain going a hundred miles per hour and bent

down so that his head was at the same level as mine. He whispered against

my lips and it took all I had not to give in and slam my lips against his.

“Don’t make me put you over my knee, baby.” My mouth fell agape and

all of a sudden, everything made sense.

The ache somehow eased as the words left his mouth and I swear I could

have moaned out loud at how tempting it sounded.

That was what I needed. The rush, the adrenaline, the fucking catharsis it

gave me the first time I experienced it.

I was yearning for another spanking.

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