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her to say that, but nevertheless I didn’t care. I would take her half-assed

apology in a heartbeat if it meant putting everything that happened behind us.

I nodded, silently accepting her excuses. “I— thank you.” I didn’t know

what else to say. She shook her head and looked down again, evading my


Maddox looked at me, suspicious, before returning his gaze to Candi’s


“Can I ask why this change of heart?”

She gulped, never meeting our eyes. “I just— let's say I got reminded we

all made mistakes. But they shouldn’t impact our families.” Finally, she

looked up at me and pinched her lips. “I’ll get going. Thank you for listening

to me.”

Without waiting for us to acknowledge what she just said, she started

down the hall and disappeared behind the stairway’s doors.

Silently, Maddox closed the door and we stared at each other, mouths ajar

and eyes wide.


“—the fuck.” I finished.

“This was… unexpected.” He rubbed his face the way he did whenever

he got nervous. “Did— did she just solve all of our problems?” I was


“I— yeah? I think so?”

“I need to call Adam and see if what she said is true. I’ll be right back.”

He kissed my forehead and went for his phone that was charging in his room.

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