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“Are you seriously still here?” A voice called from behind me and I

turned around, startled.

I sniffled and cleared my throat, folding my arms over my chest.

“What? Me? No. What?” Seeing the clearly unimpressed look on my

beautiful wife’s face, I sighed dejectedly.

“I forgot my wallet, I’m going okay?” She’d told me twenty minutes ago

to get some more candles at the store because we ran out.

She planted a hand on her waist while the other was rubbing her round

stomach, where my babies grew each day.

I thought I was in love with Sofia before, but it was nothing compared to

what I felt for her when she was pregnant with my children. She never looked

so beautiful than she did the last four months, and that was saying something

given how gorgeous she was before.

When Sofia finally got diagnosed with endometriosis, we were really

scared to try for children. The doctor had said women who have it can have

trouble getting pregnant and I really feared the emotional charge that trying

for kids would put on her. I knew she would pressure herself, thinking she

wouldn’t be enough if she couldn’t give me children.

But she was. Lord, she was more than enough. And technically, she gave

me one already.

So it came as a surprise to both of us when we received that positive

pregnancy test after only two months of getting her off the pill.

Soon, two beautiful angels would come and add themselves to our

already beautiful family of three.

I couldn’t wait.

“Maddox.” Sofia breathed softly. “It’s okay to be a little sad, baby.” She

entered our room, bigger and brighter than the one we had back at the

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