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York, NY: Harper & Row.<br />

13. Palmer, P. (1998) The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life.<br />

San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.<br />

14. Pipere, A. (2000). Identity of teacher personality: perspectives of holistic approach:<br />

Proceedings of II International Conference Person. Color. Nature. Music (pp. 46-53),<br />

Daugavpils, Latvia.<br />

15. Poe, R.E. (1991) “Developmental changes in vocational identity among college students.”<br />

Journal of College Student Development. 32: 249-252.<br />

16. Simon, B. (2004) Identity in Modern Society: A Social Psychological Perspective. Blackwell<br />

Publishing.<br />

17. Sinetar, M. (2000) Spiritual Intelligence: What We Can Learn from the Early Awakening<br />

Child. New York, NY: Orbis.<br />

18. Sloan, D. 1983. Insight – Imagination: The Emancipation of Thought and the Modern World.<br />

Brandon, VT: Resourse Center for Redesigning Education.<br />

19. Smits E.D.(1997) Nacionālā identitāte. AGB.<br />

20. Tacey, D. (2004) The Spiritual Revolution: The Emergence of Contemporary Spirituality.<br />

NY: Jossey-Bass.<br />

21. Vondracek, F.W. (1990) “Current status of the concept of vocational identity.” Man & Work.<br />

3 Dec (1-2): 80-76.<br />

22. Vondracek, F.W. (1995) “Vocational identity across the life-span: A developmentalcontextual<br />

perspective on achieving self-realization through vocational careers.” Man & Work.<br />

6 (May) (1-2): 93-85.<br />

23. Waidtlow, D. “Early employment experiences and vocational identity among lower income<br />

young adults” (UC Davis, Education).<br />

http://www.iir.ucla.edu/research/grad_conf/2002/waitdlow.pdf (2005.27.07)<br />

24. Л.Б. Шнейдер.(2004) Профессиональная идентичность: Теория, эксперимент,<br />

тренинг: Учеб. пособие. -М.:Издательство Московского психолого-социального<br />

института; Воронеж: Издательство НПО "МОДЭК", 600с. - (Серия "Библиотека<br />

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Literatūra (02-papildliteratūra):<br />

1. Capra F (2002) The Hidden Connections: Integrating the Biological, Cognitive, and Social<br />

Dimension of Life into a Science of Sustainability. NY: Doubleday<br />

2. Moore, M. (1998) Teaching from the Heart: Theology and Educational Method. Harrisburg,<br />

PA: Trinity Press International.<br />

3. Siliľń, I. 1999. Lielo patiesību meklējumi. Rīga.<br />

4. Ńvarcs, A., Ńvepe, R. 1999. Par garīgo labklājību. Rīga.<br />

5. Ungoed-Thomas J. Vision of a School. Londin and Washington. 1997.<br />

Literatūra (03-ieteicamā periodika):<br />

1. “Encounter”<br />

2. “Journal of Beliefs and Values: Studies in Religion and Education”<br />

3. “Paths of Lerning”<br />

4. “Organizational behavior”<br />

5. “Teaching and Teacher Education”<br />

6. “Journal of Vocational Behavior”<br />

7. “International Journal of Leadership in Education”<br />

8. “Curriculum Leadership”<br />

Kādām studiju programmām un to daļām (A,B,C,D) ir piederīgs šis kurss:<br />

Profesionālo maģistra studiju programma „Vidējās izglītības skolotājs”<br />

Kursa nosaukums angļu valodā:<br />

Development of teacher’s professional identity<br />

Kursa anotācija angļu valodā:<br />

The course is intended for students of Master study program. The course observes teacher’s<br />

professional identity as holistic category, examines particularities of teacher’s professional<br />

development, and offers to develop own professional identity using different strategies.

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