31.03.2015 Aufrufe

Typisch bremisch Typically “Bremish”

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111<br />

Das von Astrium gebaute ATV ist der modernste Versorgungs -<br />

transporter für die Internationale Raumstation ISS.<br />

The ATV made by Astrium is the ultra-modern supply transporter<br />

for the International Space Station ISS.<br />


The aerospace sector is one of the most important<br />

branches in Bremen. All kinds of Hanseatic technology<br />

are being used in the sky at any one time – and sometimes<br />

they even arrange to meet.<br />

A telecommunication satellite has veered off course and is<br />

tumbling through space at more than 20,000 kilometres<br />

per hour. Around 600,000 Euro in investment appears to<br />

be lost. But slowly a second satellite approaches. While<br />

they both continue to race around the earth in a 90-<br />

minute cycle, the pursuer inches closer to the high-tech<br />

system in peril. At long last, it is close enough to extend a<br />

robotic arm. Success or failure of the rescue mission now<br />

depends on precision: a small uncontrolled shove is all it<br />

takes to send the satellite into the wrong direction – either<br />

off into outer space, never to return, or into the earth’s<br />

atmosphere, where it will simply burn up. But the robotic<br />

arm carefully captures its charge and tows it back to the<br />

right orbit. One satellite has thus fulfilled its current mission<br />

so that the other can continue doing its job.<br />

This scenario, which is soon to take place in outer space,<br />

has already gone through a successful final rehearsal on<br />

the ground. The “heaven on earth” is located in Bremen

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