31.03.2015 Aufrufe

Typisch bremisch Typically “Bremish”

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Der Bremer Schlüssel ist ein jahrhundertealtes Symbol<br />

der <strong>bremisch</strong>en Identität.<br />

The Bremen Key is a centuries-old symbol of the city’s identity.<br />

sector has reconstructed its home with great commitment,<br />

also in monetary terms. The gold leaf for example<br />

was paid for personally by the Executive Board at the head<br />

of the organisation. The merchants have therefore made a<br />

special avowal to Bremen as a business location and to the<br />

common good – or also renewed a centuries-old avowal.<br />

Throughout history, prosperous citizens of Bremen,<br />

grown wealthy with trading and shipping, have always felt<br />

obliged to let society share in their economic success.<br />

This “philanthropic energy” of which publicist Matthias<br />

Wegner speaks, is just as steadfast a part of the Hanseatic<br />

identity as a cosmopolitan outlook and a love of tradition,<br />

reflected in the many merchant festivities with their strict<br />

rituals, notably the Schaffer banquet. “In the Middle Ages<br />

and in the early modern period, practically all donations<br />

went to the poorhouses and orphanages, to churches<br />

and to the construction of the city walls”, wrote historian<br />

Herbert Schwarzwälder. It was the era in which the<br />

“honourable merchant” took shape and with him, the<br />

value-oriented Hanseatic merchant tradition. This old role<br />

model of responsible entrepreneurial behaviour is now<br />

returning with a vengeance in the idea of Corporate Social<br />

Responsibility, the common good of the 21st century.

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