31.03.2015 Aufrufe

Typisch bremisch Typically “Bremish”

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No marketing agent could have thought of more appealing<br />

ambassadors for the city. They are not large and<br />

mighty, but resolute, courageous and clever. “Daring and<br />

winning, at home and further afield” – this slogan adopted<br />

by Bremen’s merchant community also applies perfectly<br />

to the Town Musicians. Already in the Hanseatic League,<br />

Bremen demonstrated its skills in forging alliances and<br />

using them to the benefit of the city. Today it is hard at<br />

work helping to forge the alliance of northern countries<br />

against the rich south, for example in an effort to secure<br />

important infrastructure funds for the north and to obtain<br />

more support for the ports, the maritime economy and<br />

the offshore industry. After all, the donkey, dog, cat and<br />

rooster only succeeded by working together.<br />

The musical quartet is even known and loved in China,<br />

and not just since the Expo 2010 in Shanghai, where a<br />

beautifully drawn Mandarin version of the fairytale contributed<br />

to the appeal of Bremen’s presentation. Time and<br />

again the jolly gang has inspired artists and cartoonists.<br />

There’s the “Town Musicians of Bremen – B-Team” by Peter<br />

Gaymann, with a pig, hen, fish and snail instead of the<br />

original cast. The children’s book author Janosch drew and<br />

wrote a new version of the Town Musicians, turning them<br />

into punk musicians. Since 2012 the fairytale is also available<br />

as manga. The fantastic four have already been on the<br />

Muppet-Show, while back in 1922 Walt Disney made a<br />

short film about the “Four Musicians of Bremen”.<br />

Bremen’s modesty<br />

to Bremer Kunstverein – and initially triggered massive<br />

criticism. A self-appointed “Association for Cityscape<br />

Design” felt the group of figures by the Bauhaus artist were<br />

an “imposition” on the viewer. It sounded very much like<br />

the criticism directed at Marcks by the Nazis who put his<br />

work in the category of “degenerate art”. Fortunately, the<br />

people of Bremen didn’t share this opinion. They loved the<br />

bronze figures and wanted to make sure they had a permanent<br />

place in the city. Thanks to a fundraising campaign,<br />

in 1955 the sculpture passed into city ownership.<br />

Time and again, suggestions are made, particularly by outsiders,<br />

to move the city’s unofficial landmark into a more<br />

central position. And its modest size of just two metres<br />

(without plinth) sometimes also gets criticised. But that<br />

wouldn’t be <strong>“Bremish”</strong>. The people of Bremen don’t<br />

like making such a fuss about things. Here the Minister-<br />

President is simply called Mayor. This is just one of the<br />

things that make the city so appealing for many, as revealed<br />

in a current study by Christoph Burmann. The Professor<br />

for Innovative Brand Management at the University<br />

of Bremen asked more than 4,000 tourists, highly qualified<br />

individuals and freshmen students which attributes they<br />

would give the city. In contrast to Berlin, Bremen is not<br />

seen as particularly creative or rebellious – which of course<br />

the creatives living here don’t agree with – , instead,<br />

Bremen is closely associated with attributes such as safe,<br />

free of stress and family-friendly, here reaching similarly<br />

high values as Freiburg im Breisgau, which for many is the<br />

absolute epitome of the quality of life.<br />

53<br />

So it’s no great surprise that tourists from all over the<br />

world are keen to see the Town Musicians in addition to<br />

the Roland statue and Town Hall, part of the UNESCO<br />

World Cultural Heritage. But the Town Musicians aren’t that<br />

easy to find. They stand modestly to the side of the Town<br />

Hall, on the left next to the entrance to the Lower Town<br />

Hall. They were installed here in 1953 on loan from Marcks<br />

The historic city centre with the UNESCO World Cultural<br />

Heritage ensemble around the Roland statue and the<br />

Town Hall, the pub scene along the river Weser and all<br />

the open green spaces come together to conjure up the<br />

image of a city where life is good. The titles City of Science<br />

and University of Excellence have certainly helped to<br />

enhance Bremen’s appeal, particularly among highly quali-<br />

Continued on page 57

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