31.03.2015 Aufrufe

Typisch bremisch Typically “Bremish”

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Information<br />

Gründungsjahr: 1962<br />

Mitarbeiter: ca. 70<br />

Leistungsspektrum:<br />

– Steuerberatung<br />

– Unternehmensberatung<br />

– Buchhaltung<br />

– Lohnbuchführung<br />

Standorte:<br />

Bremerhaven<br />

Osterholz-Scharmbeck<br />

Otterndorf<br />

Year founded: 1962<br />

Employees: approx. 70<br />

Range of services:<br />

– tax consultancy<br />

– business consultancy<br />

– bookkeeping<br />

– payroll accounting<br />

Locations:<br />

Bremerhaven<br />

Osterholz-Scharmbeck<br />

Otterndorf<br />

www.lwb-cux-ohz.de<br />

LWB CUX-OHZ Steuerberatungs GmbH<br />

Seit 50 Jahren schon betreut die LWB Mandanten in den<br />

Landkreisen Cuxhaven, Osterholz und Bremerhaven. Dadurch<br />

ist das Unternehmen in der Region fest verankert<br />

und kennt die Menschen und ihre Bedürfnisse hier sehr<br />

gut. Die Wurzeln der LWB liegen in der Beratung von landwirtschaftlichen<br />

Unternehmen, inzwischen gehören aber<br />

auch viele Mandanten aus anderen Bereichen zur Klientel.<br />

Eine besondere Eigenschaft und Stärke der LWB ist die<br />

hohe Flexibilität und die Motivation, für jeden Mandanten<br />

eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung umzusetzen. Partnerschaftlich,<br />

auf Augenhöhe, geradlinig und persönlich.<br />

Ganz wichtig ist dabei die individuelle Beratung vor Ort<br />

im entspannten und gewohnten Umfeld des Mandanten.<br />

LWB has been looking after its clients in the rural districts<br />

of Cuxhaven, Osterholz and Bremerhaven for 50 years<br />

now. That means the company is well anchored in the<br />

region and familiar with the people and their needs.<br />

LWB’s roots lie in consultancy for the agricultural sector,<br />

but the client base has meanwhile expanded to include<br />

many other sectors. One of LWB’s special attributes and<br />

strengths consists in its great flexibility and motivation to<br />

find a tailor-made solution for every client, working to -<br />

gether as partners, eye-to-eye, with a no-nonsense, per -<br />

sonal approach. Particular importance is attributed to<br />

providing individual advice on site in the relaxed setting<br />

of the client’s own surroundings.<br />

61<br />

lion Euro of public funds and about one billion Euro in<br />

private investment. The Technology Park University has<br />

attracted above all technology-oriented companies and<br />

research institutes, while the commercial estate at the airport<br />

offers large office premises for administration centres<br />

or IT service providers.<br />

All in all, this is a rather unspectacular yet highly successful<br />

development. But in the face of competition for employees,<br />

investors and tourists, can a city really vie with attributes<br />

such as free of stress, unpretentious and restful?<br />

In times when city competition is increasingly noisy and<br />

strident? Oh yes it can, particularly because times are so<br />

hectic. Home, origin and history offer a convincing counterweight<br />

to globalisation, gaining considerably in signi -<br />

ficance in the face of the hectic mobility of modern-day<br />

life. On the one hand, people want to see the world and<br />

travel, while on the other hand needing to find a corresponding<br />

balance in their private life with a sound home<br />

base that promises calm, quiet and reliability. Propounding<br />

a calmer pace for daily life as a city's strength seems to be<br />

a good idea in the context of such developments, acting<br />

as a source of strength for innovation and creativity.<br />

In future too, the Town Musicians of Bremen will continue<br />

to help advertise Bremen all over the world as an attractive<br />

city that is free of stress but also courageous and inno -<br />


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