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Schulter<br />

<strong>AGA</strong>2012-179<br />

Arthroscopic Identification of Proximal Biceps Tendon Pathology: Do we miss and<br />

underestimate pathology?<br />

Arthroscopic Identification of Proximal Biceps Tendon Pathology: Do we miss and<br />

underestimate pathology?<br />

Authors<br />

* Dan Guttmann TOI Taos Orthopaedic Institute, Taos, United States<br />

* Ariana Demers Sierra Orthopedic Institute, Sonora, United States<br />

James Lubowitz TOI Taos Orthopaedic Institute, Taos, United States<br />

Abstract<br />

Fragstellung: Summary<br />

Arthroscopic evaluation of the intraarticular LHB tendon can only evaluate 32% of the total length of the tendon,<br />

misses distal pathology in 50% of cases and therefore may underestimate pathology present.<br />

Introduction<br />

The purpose of this study is to compare the arthroscopic versus gross appearance of the proximal biceps in<br />

patients undergoing open subpectoral biceps tenodesis. Our hypothesis is that pathology of the long head of the<br />

biceps (LHB) may not be fully revealed arthroscopically, and biceps tendon pathology is underestimated<br />

arthroscopically, in comparison with gross inspection.<br />

Methodik: Methods<br />

Patients undergoing shoulder arthroscopy with subpectoral biceps tenodesis had arthroscopic inspection of the<br />

biceps tendon with pathology assessment. The initial distal extent of biceps visualization was marked; the tendon<br />

was then pulled into the joint, and marked. During open subpectoral tenodesis, measurements were made of<br />

these marks and the whole length of the tendon was <strong>als</strong>o measured. The gross pathology of the tendon was<br />

evaluated and then the excised tendon specimen underwent histology assessment.<br />

Ergebnis: Results<br />

The total average length of the biceps tendon was 96.2 mm (75-130mm). Arthroscopic observation of the biceps<br />

tendon was 16.5mm (17%) (range 5-28mm). Pulling the tendon into the joint, the average length seen was<br />

32.3mm (32%) (range15-45mm). A paired t-test compared the two groups. There were significant differences (p =<br />

.001). Pathology that was observed on open inspection, but missed arthroscopically was 31/62 (50%) of<br />

specimens. Pathology was underestimated in 35/62 (56%) patients.<br />

Schlussfolgerung: Discussion/Conclusion<br />

Our results demonstrate long head of the biceps tendon (LHBT) pathology is missed arthroscopically 50% of the<br />

time, and biceps tendon pathology is underestimated arthroscopically, in comparison with gross inspection.<br />

Keywords<br />

Arthroscopy, biceps, tendon, tenodesis<br />

16.03.2012 145<br />

Vortrag<br />

(c) by CVS://Abstractmanagement

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