The book of Enoch : translated from Professor Dillmann's Ethiopic ...

The book of Enoch : translated from Professor Dillmann's Ethiopic ...

The book of Enoch : translated from Professor Dillmann's Ethiopic ...


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General Introduction. 39<br />

esse potuisse. But Tertullian proceeds to show that this was<br />

possible : cum <strong>Enoch</strong> filio suo Matusalae nihil aliud mandaverit<br />

quam ut notitiam eorum posteris suis traderet. He then<br />

pronounces the singular critical canon : Cum<br />

<strong>Enoch</strong> eadem<br />

scriptura etiam de domino praedicarit, a nobis quidem nihil<br />

omnino rejiciendum est, quod pertineat ad nos ... A Judaeis<br />

potest jam videri propterea rejecta, sicut et cetera fere quae<br />

Christum sonant . . . Eo<br />

accedit quod <strong>Enoch</strong> apud Judam<br />

apostolum testimonium possidet. II. 10 (quoted on viii. 1).<br />

Be Idol, iv (quoted on xix. 1). Cf. also Be Idol, ix ; Be<br />

Virg. Veland. vii : Si enim propter angelos, scilicet quos<br />

legimus a deo et caelo excidisse ob concupiscentiam feminarum,<br />

&c.<br />

' Be Idol, xv : Haec<br />

igitur ab initio praevidens spiritus<br />

sanctus etiam ostia in superstitionem ventura praececinit per<br />

antiquissimum propheten <strong>Enoch</strong>.<br />

Clemens Alex. Eclogae Prophet. Ed. Dindorf, iii. 456 (quoted<br />

on xix. 3) ; iii. 474 (quoted on viii. 2. 3) ; Strom, iii. 9 (quoted<br />

on xvi. 3).<br />

Origen (185-254) does not regard <strong>Enoch</strong> as inspired, and<br />

yet he does not wholly reject it. Cf. Contra Celsum, v. 52.<br />

Celsus argues that other ayyzXoi descended to the earth before<br />

Christ: kXOeiv yap kcu aXkovs Kiyovai irokXaias kclL o^iov ye<br />

k£r)K0VTa 7/ £(3bojjLriKOVTa' ovs hrj yeveo-Qat kcikovs kol KokdCeaOat<br />

beo-pols virol3\r]6€VTa$ Iv yfj' o0€V ml tcis depths irr)yas ehau<br />

ra €K€LV(ov b&Kpva. In a lengthy rejoinder Origen remarks, v.<br />

54<br />

: kv rais eKKX-qa-iais ov iravv cfyiperai o>? 0da ra k-niyeypa^iva<br />

tov 'Ei^x fiifiXia. That Origen was undecided as to the<br />

value to be attached to <strong>Enoch</strong> is clearer <strong>from</strong> the following<br />

passages. In Joannem y vi. 25<br />

(Lommatsch. i. 241) : g>? ei> rw<br />

'Ei>a>x yeypanrai, el ra>

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