The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

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on not being spooked by the word “bourgeois” 85<strong>for</strong> Americ<strong>an</strong> exceptionalism. <strong>The</strong> very phrase “Americ<strong>an</strong> exceptionalism,”it appears, arose in the 1920s in discussions among Communists as to whyAmerica did not respond to socialism in a m<strong>an</strong>ner comparable withEurope. 16 <strong>The</strong> exceptionalisms are founding myths.<strong>The</strong> Dutch were not in fact exceptional in character, merely a little earlycompared to the English or the French <strong>an</strong>d a little late compared with theFlorentines <strong>an</strong>d Veneti<strong>an</strong>s. <strong>The</strong> Low Countries north <strong>an</strong>d south were theearliest northern Europe<strong>an</strong> regions to be thoroughly citified. 17 In 1467Charles, Duke <strong>of</strong> Burgundy, ruled over a town-rich region, matched only bynorthern Italy. In 1600 the northern Netherl<strong>an</strong>ds had nineteen cities <strong>of</strong> over10,000 population, as against only six in a Britain five or six times larger intotal population. 18 One in four Dutch northerners, J<strong>an</strong> de Vries reckons,lived in towns <strong>of</strong> 10,000 or larger in 1600, one in five in the Sp<strong>an</strong>ish Netherl<strong>an</strong>ds,that is, Belgium. Only one in seventeen Englishmen did. 19 <strong>The</strong> LowCountries were the first bourgeois society in the north. <strong>Bourgeois</strong>, I say—topreserve the comparison with other societies, such as our own.That is one reason to keep the word “bourgeois.” It does not have tome<strong>an</strong> “egotistical wretch.” God or nature or Humpty Dumpty does notdetermine what words me<strong>an</strong>. We do. “<strong>Bourgeois</strong>” c<strong>an</strong> me<strong>an</strong>, if we wish touse words this way—<strong>an</strong>d c<strong>an</strong> get over being spooked by Marx—“citydweller practicing <strong>an</strong> honored pr<strong>of</strong>ession or owning a business or functioningat a m<strong>an</strong>agerial level in someone else’s enterprise, including governmental<strong>an</strong>d non-pr<strong>of</strong>it enterprises.”Such a person faces a particular set <strong>of</strong> ethical problems. He has the <strong>an</strong>xiousethical task <strong>of</strong> learning how to be a counselor yet self-prudent, a salesm<strong>an</strong>yet other-loving, a boss yet just, a bureaucrat yet courageous, ascientist yet faithful. Schama is right to emphasize the ethical tensions <strong>of</strong>capitalism. But the Dutch are merely <strong>an</strong> early inst<strong>an</strong>ce, as the Veneti<strong>an</strong>s <strong>an</strong>dFlorentines <strong>an</strong>d Genoese were still earlier, with the H<strong>an</strong>seatic League inattend<strong>an</strong>ce, <strong>an</strong>d Osak<strong>an</strong>s <strong>an</strong>d Singapore<strong>an</strong>s later, <strong>of</strong> a by-now worldwidesocial class <strong>an</strong>d a by-now worldwide ethical problem, namely, the tensions<strong>of</strong> bourgeoisness ascend<strong>an</strong>t. Avoiding the very word in fear <strong>of</strong> itshistorical-materialist accretions doesn’t help. <strong>The</strong> way to refute historicalmaterialism is to examine the material <strong>an</strong>d spiritual facts, as Schama does.Avoiding the b-word is no help.Still, why not bow to the common prejudice <strong>an</strong>d use instead “middle class”or “middling sort” or “the m<strong>an</strong>agerial/pr<strong>of</strong>essional/upper-bureaucratic/

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