The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

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518 notes to pages 27–34it out, I say: you will be amazed. You c<strong>an</strong> see without calculation the reasonableness <strong>of</strong> theimmoderate <strong>for</strong>ce <strong>of</strong> interest. Something growing at a mere 1 percent gets to be <strong>of</strong> course at least72 percent larger in 72 years: that much you c<strong>an</strong> see without <strong>an</strong>y mysterious Rule, since <strong>of</strong> course72 times 1 percent is 72 percent. <strong>The</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> the doubling (to 100 percent = a doubling in 72 years,that is) comes from the compounding. And if something doubles during 72 years growing at1 percent per year, it will <strong>of</strong> course double in half that time if it grows twice as fast, 2 percent peryear. <strong>The</strong> encouragements to art or science or liberation feeding on themselves in a nonlinear waywere there<strong>for</strong>e in 1913 less strong—at this 2 percent rate <strong>of</strong> growth per year 1800 to 1913 rising tomerely 13.3 or so on the scale from 1 to 100. <strong>The</strong>n in the politics-disturbed spurts <strong>of</strong> the twentiethcentury it went the rest <strong>of</strong> the way to 100 percent <strong>of</strong> the ch<strong>an</strong>ge, 100 percent <strong>of</strong> that factor <strong>of</strong>102, or from the other point <strong>of</strong> view 100 percent <strong>of</strong> that factor <strong>of</strong> 255.56. Nozick, Anarchy, State, 1974,pp.328–329.57. Sen,Development as Freedom, 2000,pp.6, 112.58. Sen,Development as Freedom, 2000,pp.115, 201.59. National Public Radio in Chicago, around 11:00 a.m., October 3, 2005.60. Quoted in Sen, Development as Freedom, 2000,p.114.61. Gr<strong>an</strong>ovetter, “Economic Action,” 1985. Novak, Catholic Social Thought, 1984 (1989), p. 24.62. Sacks, Dignity <strong>of</strong> Difference, 2002,pp.32, 16, 22, 14.63. Wollstonecraft, Rights <strong>of</strong> Women, 1792,p.149.64. Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 1840 [1954], vol. 2,p.131.65. Hunt, Character <strong>an</strong>d Culture, 1997,p.211.66. For example, Marx <strong>an</strong>d Engels, Communist M<strong>an</strong>ifesto, 1848,p.66, “Pauperism developsmore rapidly th<strong>an</strong> population <strong>an</strong>d wealth.”67. Marx <strong>an</strong>d Engels, Communist M<strong>an</strong>ifesto, 1848,p.69,“Private property ...<strong>for</strong> the few issolely due to its non-existence in the h<strong>an</strong>ds <strong>of</strong> those nine-tenths.”68. Marx <strong>an</strong>d Engels, Communist M<strong>an</strong>ifesto, 1848, p.70, “Culture . . . is, <strong>for</strong> the enormousmajority, a mere training to act as a machine.”69. Schweiker,<strong>The</strong>ological <strong>Ethics</strong>, 2004, p. xiii.70. See again Najita, Visions <strong>of</strong> Virtue in Togugawa, 1987, <strong>for</strong> example, p. 5.71. In 1973 David Friedm<strong>an</strong> reckoned the figure was at most about 5 percent (<strong>The</strong> Machinery<strong>of</strong> Freedom, pp. xiv, xv, quoted in Nozick, Anarchy, State, 1974,p.177n.)72. As Joh<strong>an</strong> V<strong>an</strong> Overtveldt points out to me.73. Margo, “Labor Force,” 2000, p.213, table 5.3; McCloskey, “Industrial Revolution,” 1981,p. 127.74. Rousseau, Origin <strong>of</strong> Inequality, 1755,p.60.75. Schmidtz 1994, quoted in Feser, On Nozick, 2004,p.84.76. Compare Lindert, Fertility <strong>an</strong>d Scarcity, 1978. Some Georgist friends tell me that I amwrong, <strong>an</strong>d that you c<strong>an</strong> get the share <strong>of</strong> all rents up to 10 percent if you include income fromthings like the (God-given <strong>an</strong>d unaugmentable) electronic spectrum. But as I say, they wouldagree that a determinism <strong>of</strong> “resources” as noneconomists underst<strong>an</strong>d the word is unjustified.And some <strong>of</strong> my Austri<strong>an</strong> economics friends retort that taxing such resources would result indistortions <strong>of</strong> the economy. All agree with the main present point, however: that hum<strong>an</strong> capitalhas become much larger.

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