The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

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wage slavery 471<strong>an</strong>ything but dishonoring. <strong>The</strong> historically <strong>an</strong>tiwork attitude may have beenwhat prevented classical Mediterr<strong>an</strong>e<strong>an</strong> civilization or medieval Chinesesociety from industrializing. <strong>The</strong> Afrik<strong>an</strong>ers <strong>of</strong> 1910 had no experience <strong>of</strong>work <strong>an</strong>d no respect <strong>for</strong> it, which determined their policies toward hardworkingXhosa peas<strong>an</strong>ts <strong>an</strong>d hard-working Jewish immigr<strong>an</strong>ts. Nowadays itis a problem <strong>for</strong> m<strong>an</strong>y poor societies. Women <strong>an</strong>d slaves work. Real mensmoke.Englishmen in the seventeenth century, <strong>for</strong> example, had no conception<strong>of</strong> dignity beyond what the sociologists call “ascription,” that is, r<strong>an</strong>k. <strong>The</strong>result is that seventeenth-century science used gentlem<strong>an</strong>ly status as a warr<strong>an</strong>t<strong>for</strong> believability. William Petty (1623–1687), one <strong>of</strong> the founders <strong>of</strong> theEnglish Royal Society, spoke <strong>of</strong> a gentlem<strong>an</strong> as someone who had “suchestate, real <strong>an</strong>d personal, as whereby he is able to subsist without the practice<strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong>y mercenary employments.” 9 Only a gentlem<strong>an</strong> could have honor,which was only gradually coming to me<strong>an</strong> our “honesty.”A gentlem<strong>an</strong> was precisely someone without <strong>an</strong> occupation. <strong>The</strong> contemporaryFrench phrase was l’honnête homme, the “honorable” m<strong>an</strong> being onewho did not work. <strong>The</strong> early twentieth-century irony about this conventionis to call a bum a “gentlem<strong>an</strong> <strong>of</strong> the road,” as earlier a highwaym<strong>an</strong> was a“gentlem<strong>an</strong> <strong>of</strong> the highway.” Such a m<strong>an</strong> is very willing to brawl, but not tobe seen to work even at that. Thus the Prince Hal <strong>of</strong> Henry IV drinks <strong>an</strong>dwhores away the days <strong>an</strong>d nights with Falstaff through parts 1 <strong>an</strong>d 2, <strong>an</strong>d weare indulgently amused. We look <strong>for</strong> virtue in this rom<strong>an</strong>ticizing <strong>of</strong> idleness,on the circular argument that <strong>an</strong> idle m<strong>an</strong> is a sort <strong>of</strong> gentlem<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d there<strong>for</strong>emust be virtuous. Prince Hal explains, <strong>an</strong>d Shakespeare in his protobourgeoisway was recommending, that princes need this common touch.Down to the nineteenth century, with fading echoes even now, thephrase “a gentlem<strong>an</strong> <strong>of</strong> business” was considered <strong>an</strong> absurdity, a flat contradiction.<strong>The</strong> economist David Ricardo wrote in 1817 that a remission <strong>of</strong> rentto farmers from their l<strong>an</strong>dlords “would only enable some farmers to live likegentlemen.” 10 He feared that having <strong>an</strong> income without work would corruptactive men <strong>of</strong> business: “gentlemen” were nonworkers. Dickens reasonedsimilarly. He portrayed gentlemen without occupations as parasites. 11 Yethis heroes, all <strong>of</strong> them crypto-gentlemen, achieve success not by workingbut by inheriting. He had a conservative’s nostalgia <strong>for</strong> a simpler time whenthe rich were charitable <strong>an</strong>d the poor unspoilt <strong>an</strong>d income came down on agentlem<strong>an</strong> like a gentle rain.

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