The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

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the storied character <strong>of</strong> virtue 271K<strong>an</strong>ti<strong>an</strong> or utilitari<strong>an</strong> ethical reasonings, though neither was entirely irrelev<strong>an</strong>t,I suppose. <strong>The</strong> K<strong>an</strong>ti<strong>an</strong> duty to step out the door on a cold morningor the utilitari<strong>an</strong> reasoning that after all it was good <strong>for</strong> me did help, a little.K<strong>an</strong>t’s maxim would not acknowledge <strong>an</strong>y pleasure in the run, <strong>an</strong>d Bentham’scalculation would not acknowledge <strong>an</strong>y identity in it. Virtue ethicscombines the two. <strong>The</strong> unity <strong>of</strong> ethical thinking was torn apart by the <strong>an</strong>alysts<strong>of</strong> the eighteenth century. It is somewhat harder to see a contractari<strong>an</strong>motive in a lone daily run. <strong>The</strong> fact casts light on a fault <strong>of</strong> contractari<strong>an</strong>ismsuch as Nozick’s, namely, that it reduces ethics to the improvement <strong>of</strong> otherpeople, ignoring self-improvement, <strong>an</strong>d ignoring also the tr<strong>an</strong>scendent—unless we think, as monotheists in fact do, <strong>of</strong> making coven<strong>an</strong>ts with God,or with ourselves.To actually keep putting one foot in front <strong>of</strong> <strong>an</strong>other I told myself, as wedo, little character stories, <strong>of</strong> Pheidippides running from Athens to Sparta,say, or <strong>of</strong> the game <strong>of</strong> making it to the next bridge, or <strong>of</strong> my identity imagined<strong>an</strong>d actual. I was in a sense fooling myself, though aware. I learned fromrunning how to make a ch<strong>an</strong>ge from a very overweight smoker to a somewhatoverweight nonsmoker. In my fifth decade, that is, I learned that thecombination <strong>of</strong> temper<strong>an</strong>ce plus courage we call persistence c<strong>an</strong> achievewith small steps quite a lot. As they say in Alcoholics Anonymous, choose notto drink one day, or one hour, at a time. Beginnen is ondernemen, the Dutchsay. Literally, “to begin is to undertake”—a journey <strong>of</strong> a thous<strong>an</strong>d miles.I had <strong>of</strong> course “known” such <strong>an</strong> obvious truth long be<strong>for</strong>e in the intellectualsense sufficient <strong>for</strong> K<strong>an</strong>ti<strong>an</strong> or Benthamite reasoning. But to littlegood <strong>for</strong> weight control. That’s what’s wrong with K<strong>an</strong>ti<strong>an</strong> or Benthamitereasoning. It is reasoning, not a cause <strong>for</strong> action. “Moral knowledge, unlikemathematical knowledge,” Hursthouse notes, “c<strong>an</strong>not be acquired merelyby attending lectures <strong>an</strong>d is [there<strong>for</strong>e] not characteristically to be found inpeople too young to have much experience <strong>of</strong> life. A normative ethicsshould not aim to provide a decision procedure which <strong>an</strong>y reasonably cleveradolescent could apply,” like the chain rule <strong>for</strong> derivatives. 3 But <strong>an</strong> adolescent’shead is <strong>of</strong> course filled with stories <strong>an</strong>d characters to imitate, <strong>for</strong> goodor evil.Both K<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d Bentham were sweet but notably inexperienced men. AsMill said <strong>of</strong> Bentham, “He was a boy to the last.” 4 K<strong>an</strong>t <strong>an</strong>d Bentham hadseen little <strong>of</strong> life. Neither <strong>of</strong> them had been married or had run a businessor had carried a spear in the phal<strong>an</strong>x. Both <strong>of</strong> them supposed, with

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