The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

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246 chapter 20<strong>The</strong> D<strong>an</strong>ny Glover character in Lethal Weapon inquires <strong>of</strong> the Mel Gibsoncharacter, also a policem<strong>an</strong>, “You ever met <strong>an</strong>yone you didn’t kill?”A courageous institution or society or person lacking temper<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>an</strong>d justice<strong>an</strong>d prudence will not last, or work.So at least we wish. We need a criterion <strong>for</strong> the virtue <strong>of</strong> virtues, <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>swer,not necessarily a simple one, to the question “Why is this a virtue?” It is notthe case, as opponents <strong>of</strong> virtue ethics sometimes believe, that <strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>swer hasto reduce virtue ethics to duties or to utility. Edmund Pinc<strong>of</strong>fs has suggestedthat we could decide which characteristics are virtues by asking whether wecould approach or flee the person having them. 13 <strong>The</strong> moral philosopherHursthouse identifies four ends, in two dimensions, survival/flourishing <strong>of</strong>the individual/group: the mere survival <strong>of</strong> the individual or <strong>of</strong> the group, orthe flourishing <strong>of</strong> the individual or <strong>of</strong> the group. 14Alasdair MacIntyre is one among the male philosophers, among themBernard Williams <strong>an</strong>d John McDowell, who have contributed to virtueethics. His <strong>an</strong>swer to the question is a “social teleology.” You test virtue X byasking how X contributes to the purpose, end, telos <strong>of</strong> the society, whatKnight called “the moral habitability <strong>of</strong> the world.” 15 <strong>The</strong> <strong>an</strong>cient theorists <strong>of</strong>the virtues applauded that bal<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>an</strong>d completion <strong>of</strong> virtues, worth having<strong>of</strong> course in a little community. What sort <strong>of</strong> person suits best the telos <strong>of</strong>democratic Athens or republic<strong>an</strong> Rome? Well, <strong>of</strong> course a person having thefour virtues courage, temper<strong>an</strong>ce, justice, <strong>an</strong>d prudence. Je<strong>an</strong> Bethke Elshtainputs Aristotle in the postheroic camp. She too uses the movie Sh<strong>an</strong>e as<strong>an</strong> example: in the end Sh<strong>an</strong>e himself must leave, she writes, because “he isas out <strong>of</strong> place in the placid, settled kingdom <strong>of</strong> a tamed town on the Americ<strong>an</strong>frontier as was Achilles’ gory glory in Aristotle’s list <strong>of</strong> civic virtues.” 16Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, as Elshtain well underst<strong>an</strong>ds, the question about thevirtue <strong>of</strong> virtues c<strong>an</strong>’t really be <strong>an</strong>swered as it typically was be<strong>for</strong>e the gamewas spoiled by Machiavelli <strong>an</strong>d Hobbes. <strong>The</strong> old question <strong>an</strong>d the thenobvious<strong>an</strong>swer was in effect, “What does a society need to be virtuous?Well, that’s obvious: a throng <strong>of</strong> virtuous chaps.” <strong>The</strong> new social sciences <strong>of</strong>the eighteenth century came to realize, a century or two after the TerrifyingItali<strong>an</strong> <strong>an</strong>d the Angry Englishm<strong>an</strong> had first said it, that social virtue, <strong>an</strong>dcertainly virtù sociale, does not require personal virtue in every one <strong>of</strong> asociety’s citizens, or perhaps in <strong>an</strong>y <strong>of</strong> them. A self-interested mob <strong>of</strong> corporate-raiding,asset-stripping Gordon Gekkos might result, <strong>for</strong> example, ina rich economy, th<strong>an</strong>k you very much.

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