The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

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evil as imbal<strong>an</strong>ce, inner <strong>an</strong>d outer 287pedophilia could there<strong>for</strong>e survive millennia <strong>of</strong> ethical scrutiny, or rather ablithe lack <strong>of</strong> scrutiny. Thus too the inequality <strong>of</strong> women; or <strong>of</strong> childrensubject to a pater familias; or more recently the inequality <strong>of</strong> homosexualsabused by law <strong>an</strong>d custom in Germ<strong>an</strong>ic countries; or <strong>of</strong> black bodies swingingin the Southern breeze; or <strong>of</strong> young black or Hisp<strong>an</strong>ic men imprisoned<strong>for</strong> selling coke to suburb<strong>an</strong>ites slumming.Hum<strong>an</strong>s have shown repeatedly that they c<strong>an</strong> imagine almost <strong>an</strong>yinjustice—at <strong>an</strong>y rate <strong>an</strong> injustice by the most elevated egalitari<strong>an</strong> st<strong>an</strong>dards<strong>of</strong> bourgeois Europe—as fit, decorous, natural, what we do, nothingto-be-done-about-it-<strong>an</strong>yway;in a word, as “just.” Consider the Germ<strong>an</strong>s <strong>of</strong>the Third Reich, or the Germ<strong>an</strong>s rehearsing <strong>for</strong> the Third Reich in EastAfrica in 1904. Consider Hotel Rw<strong>an</strong>da. We have shown ourselves capable<strong>of</strong> imposing almost <strong>an</strong>y indignity on Iraqis or Tutsis or barbaroi or <strong>an</strong>yinferior.Dignitas in Latin is from <strong>an</strong> Indo-Europe<strong>an</strong> base *dek- me<strong>an</strong>ing “receive,be fitting,” from which also decus (ornament) > decōrus (proper) > decorous.What is decorous depends in a hierarchical society <strong>of</strong> course on thedignity <strong>of</strong> r<strong>an</strong>k. It is the free adult male Rom<strong>an</strong> citizen, not a slave orwom<strong>an</strong> or child, <strong>for</strong> whom it is dulce et decorum to die <strong>for</strong> the fatherl<strong>an</strong>d.Aristotle declares that “justice between master <strong>an</strong>d slave <strong>an</strong>d betweenfather <strong>an</strong>d child is not the same as absolute <strong>an</strong>d political justice....A chattelis ...a part <strong>of</strong>oneself.” 27 Well, <strong>of</strong> course. An <strong>an</strong>cilla, a female householdslave (from which we get the word “<strong>an</strong>cillary”), was recommended by<strong>an</strong>cient ethical writers as a sexual object useful <strong>for</strong> preventing real adultery.Never mind her admitted hum<strong>an</strong>ness. Galen the doctor warns <strong>an</strong> ownernot to hit slaves with his fist, to avoid injury to his—the owner’s—fist. Waituntil the passion subsides, he counsels, then apply the rod <strong>of</strong> justice. Nevermind the slave’s hum<strong>an</strong>ness.One waxes indign<strong>an</strong>t about past slavery. But the point here is that its justicewas until the late eighteenth century entirely unquestioned. Souls insuch a view are <strong>of</strong> course equal be<strong>for</strong>e God, the “<strong>of</strong> course” applying, <strong>for</strong>example, to Greek <strong>an</strong>d Rom<strong>an</strong> Stoicism, <strong>an</strong>d to the Abrahamic religions <strong>of</strong>the Near East. It does not seem to apply to Hinduism, where a higher r<strong>an</strong>kin the orders <strong>of</strong> the world must be earned in successive incarnations. Littlewonder that over the millennia the castes <strong>of</strong> India have been sociologicallyhardy. <strong>The</strong> equality be<strong>for</strong>e God that distinguishes monotheism from r<strong>an</strong>kpreservingpolytheism is <strong>an</strong>cient. 28But as Samuel Fleischacker points out, a this-world egalitari<strong>an</strong>ism was

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