The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

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index 599Goossens, Eymert-J<strong>an</strong>: on the Royal Palaceon the Dam, 539n1Gopnik, Adam: used on Molière, 501Gordon, Donald: on Europe<strong>an</strong> recovery afterthe War, 553n3 (chap. 46)Gottschalk, Peter: U.S. income mobility, 44Gould, S. J.: against functionalism, 414; tobe imitated, 282; left-wing evolutionist,437government: as countervailing power, 36;corrupt, 35–36; extractive skill, 37,519n86; interventions listed, 51–52;“macroparasites,” 36; <strong>an</strong>d natural freedom,38–40; poverty programs, 43–47;predation, 3–4, 47, 479; predation bybourgeoisie, 35–36; predation limited bycompetition, 37, 40–42; size <strong>of</strong>, 42–43;size <strong>an</strong>d freedom, 35–43, 47–50Grampp, William: used on morality <strong>of</strong> classicaleconomists, 463Graña, César: clerisy <strong>an</strong>d economic bourgeoisie,9, 72Gr<strong>an</strong>ovetter, Mark: capitalism extends weakties, 518n61; weak ties, 144Gray, Fr<strong>an</strong>cine Du Plessix. See Weil, SimoneGray, John: agonistic liberalism, 357; onfriendship <strong>an</strong>d prudence-only, 549n9;globalization, 7; quoting Hampshire,544n5; varied lives, 347Great Conversion: Holmes’s similar <strong>for</strong>mulation,516n21, 511; Shaw’s phrase <strong>for</strong>post–1848, 10greed: Ayn R<strong>an</strong>d, 321; bourgeois virtues <strong>an</strong>d,505, 512; business cycle <strong>an</strong>d, 136; fallennature <strong>an</strong>d, 29; “greed is good,” 11, 23,136, 291, 460; Paradox <strong>of</strong> Thrift, 455, 459;pleonexia, 262; prudence-only <strong>an</strong>d, 132,282; Smith, 460; social gospel, 485; temperateprudence <strong>an</strong>d, 488;Weber,14Greeley, Andrew: Godly love, 99Green, Joshua: Bennett’s gambling, 542n26Greenblatt, Steven: on modernized spelling,516n22; perfidy <strong>an</strong>d Shakespeare’sCatholicism, 157; sacred <strong>an</strong>d pr<strong>of</strong><strong>an</strong>e inShakespeare, 419; work dishonored, 75Greensp<strong>an</strong>, Al<strong>an</strong>: on bourgeois virtues, 126Gressh<strong>of</strong>, J<strong>an</strong>: against clerisy, 73Grey, Z<strong>an</strong>e: Riders, taciturn hero, 230Groopm<strong>an</strong>, Jerome: hope therapeutic, 170Grossm<strong>an</strong>, Philip: prudence-only <strong>an</strong>d moralsentiments, 548n10Grotius, Hugo: benevolence not selfinterested,126Groundhog Day: spiritual exercises in,273–275Guest, Robert: Zambi<strong>an</strong> educational expenditures,46Gunther, Scott: on French law on homosexuality,232–233Hagen, Everett: work honor, 76Hahn, Matthew: critical <strong>of</strong> Putnam, 144Hall, Catherine: on English clerisy, 72Halw<strong>an</strong>i, Raja: criticizes Noddings, 106Hammett, Dashiell: Maltese Falcon <strong>an</strong>dhomosexuality, 237; <strong>an</strong>d rhetoric,227–228; <strong>an</strong>d women, 227–228Hampshire, Stuart: behaviorism <strong>an</strong>dknowledge <strong>of</strong> own mind, 110; ethicalrealism, 336; free will,321; reason <strong>an</strong>dimagination, 352; rhetorical pluralism<strong>of</strong>, 499; self-awareness <strong>an</strong>d beinghum<strong>an</strong>, 171; on Truth, 326; virtues <strong>an</strong>dsocial classes, 347H<strong>an</strong>awalt, Barbara: crime rate in Middle<strong>Age</strong>s, 527n2H<strong>an</strong>son, Victor: Greek way <strong>of</strong> war, 205; inauthenticity<strong>of</strong> Homer, 213Hardy, Thomas: God’s funeral, 165Hargreaves-Heap, Shaun: on game theory,526n2Harim<strong>an</strong>, Robert: on <strong>an</strong>tirhetoric, 372; onbal<strong>an</strong>ce <strong>of</strong> virtues, 246; exemplars <strong>an</strong>dethical decisions, 272, 327; prudence <strong>an</strong>dflourishing, 256; quoting Vlastos onSocrates, 258; realism in politics,399–400; toggling, 330Harré, Rom: method <strong>of</strong> science, 334Hartm<strong>an</strong>, Ge<strong>of</strong>frey: on Wordsworth’s naturelove in “Tintern Abbey,” 97–98Hartz, Louis: Americ<strong>an</strong> aristocracy, 521n4Harvard Business School: all the ethicsmoney c<strong>an</strong> buy, 120Harvey, David: unrooted moderns, 161Haslam, Nick: on definition <strong>of</strong> prudence,316, 318Hauser, Arnold: lost solidarity, 142Hausm<strong>an</strong>, D<strong>an</strong>iel: value-free science, 335Haydn, Josef: <strong>an</strong>d commerce, 20Hayek, Friedrich: on natural <strong>an</strong>d artificial,306Hearnshaw, L. S.: used on Cyril Burt, 324

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