The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce

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index 611both needed, 416; defined <strong>an</strong>d <strong>an</strong>alyzed,119, 191, 303, 407–441, 496; Eliade, 408,496; love <strong>an</strong>d, 419; in Shakespeare, 419.See also P; prudence-only; SSahl, Mort: on left <strong>an</strong>d right, 6Sahlins, Marshall: goods <strong>an</strong>d me<strong>an</strong>ing, 453Saiving, Valerie: female sin, 188Saki, on ethics: 270Sali-I-Martin, X.: global inequality, used,3–30Saller, Richard: childcare at Rome, 94Samuelson, Paul: theorist <strong>of</strong> prudence-only,119Samuelsoni<strong>an</strong> economics: claim to scientificmethod, 198; its future predicted, 325; listeningto businesspeople, 190; futureassumed known, 161; pleasure is onlyprinciple <strong>of</strong>, 109–110; reducing love toprudence, 106S<strong>an</strong>tay<strong>an</strong>a, George: on Russell, 396S<strong>an</strong>toni, Ronald: on Sartre, 297–299Sargent, John Singer: war <strong>an</strong>d heroism, 230Sartre, Je<strong>an</strong>-Paul: authenticity, <strong>an</strong>d bourgeoisie,297–299, 507; on M<strong>an</strong>ichaeism,283; predicting fall <strong>of</strong> democracy, 15Sat<strong>an</strong>: evil be thy my good, 275, 281; Job,445;M<strong>an</strong>ichaeism, 282–284; Murdoch onK<strong>an</strong>ti<strong>an</strong> pride <strong>of</strong>, 190, 278; prideful,186–187; rhetoric, 224; virtù, 201Savin, N. Eugene: prudence-only <strong>an</strong>d moralsentiments, 548n10Saving, Valerie: humility wom<strong>an</strong>ly, 188Sayers, Dorothy: on paradox <strong>of</strong> thrift, 455Sayre, Anne: on Watson, 327Schaeffer, Jack: attitudes toward capitalismin novel Sh<strong>an</strong>e, 225. See also Sh<strong>an</strong>eSchama, Simon: Dutch cle<strong>an</strong>liness, 82–83;Dutch laws about homosexuality, 233;embarrassment not unique to Dutch, 82;overvloed <strong>of</strong> riches, 83–84; unease with“bourgeois,” 79–84Schelling, Thomas: ethics in his science,324Scherer, F. M.: commercial classical music,517n43Schjeldahl, Peter: on Mari<strong>an</strong> Goodm<strong>an</strong>,549n6Schmidt, Annie M. G.: bourgeois children,427Schmidtz, David: concern <strong>an</strong>d respect, 112;ethical dualism, 544n22; replies toRousseau on original owners <strong>of</strong> l<strong>an</strong>d, 34;Scruples Lever test, 123; S variablesbehind P, 421Schockenh<strong>of</strong>f, Eberhard: interpretingAquinas on agape, 523n24Sch<strong>of</strong>ield, Roger: extended family not English,527n4Schopenhauer, Arthur: pessimism still fashionable,171Schultz, <strong>The</strong>odore: hum<strong>an</strong> capital, 78;P <strong>an</strong>d S variables in poor countries,440–441Schumpeter, Joseph Alois: capitalism <strong>an</strong>dpoorest, 22; cultural contradiction <strong>of</strong>capitalism, 13, 40; emotivism, 397; Englishloss <strong>of</strong> faith in 1860s, 165; motives<strong>for</strong> capitalism, 243; predicting fall <strong>of</strong> capitalism,13, 15, 40; rationality <strong>of</strong> capitalism,243; vision in economics, 196Schuttner, David, Stairbuilding, 553n22(chap. 45)Schweiker, William: <strong>an</strong>ticapitalist beliefs, 32;b<strong>an</strong>ishment <strong>of</strong> religious resources, 163;quoting Todorov, 307; teleologicalhum<strong>an</strong>isms, 102; on undervaluation <strong>of</strong>tr<strong>an</strong>scendent, 101science: based on faith, 152–153; <strong>an</strong>dethics, 322–327; scientific method,322–324Scottish Enlightenment: ethics as character,154; as principled movement, 499. Seealso Hume, David; Smith, AdamScrewtape: <strong>an</strong>tiethics explained, 244; love indevils, 107–108Scruples Lever, 123Sea Wolf: <strong>an</strong>d masculinity, 236–237Seabright, Paul: evolution <strong>of</strong> moral sense,439Searle, John: free will, 321; interpretive communities,127Seeger, Peggy: women <strong>an</strong>d paid work,476–477Sefton, M.: prudence-only <strong>an</strong>d moral sentiments,548n10self-employment: bourgeois honor, 76Seligm<strong>an</strong>, Martin E. P.: Character Strengths,314–319; ethics <strong>an</strong>d rewards, 340; lists<strong>of</strong> virtues, 379; universality <strong>of</strong> virtues,392Selznick, Philip: loss <strong>of</strong> Gemeinschaft,139–141

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