View - LIME Network

View - LIME Network

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3. Strategic areas for actionGovernments have agreed to focus policy attention on the following seven strategic areas. Over time, progress in these areas is expected to lead toimprovement in the headline indicators and priority outcomes. Progress is measured by a series of strategic change indicators, which can be influenced bygovernment policies and programs in the short to medium term.Early childdevelopment andgrowth (prenatalto age 3)Early schoolengagement andperformance(preschool to year 3)Positivechildhood andtransition toadulthoodSubstance useand misuseFunctional andresilient familiesandcommunitiesEffectiveenvironmentalhealth systemsEconomicparticipation anddevelopment• Injury andpreventablediseases• Infant mortality• Birthweight• Hearingimpediments• Children withtooth decay• Preschool andearly learning• Schoolattendance• Year 3 literacyand numeracy• Years 5 and 7literacy andnumeracy• Retention atyear 9• Indigenouscultural studiesin schoolcurriculum andinvolvement ofIndigenouspeople indevelopmentand delivery ofIndigenousstudies• Juvenilediversions as aproportion of alljuvenileoffenders• Transition fromschool to work• Alcoholconsumptionand harm• Tobaccoconsumptionand harm• Drug and othersubstance useand harm• Children on careand protectionorders• Repeatoffending• Access toprimary healthcare• Mental health• Proportion ofIndigenouspeople withaccess to theirtraditional lands• Participation inorganised sport,arts orcommunitygroup activities• Engagementwith servicedelivery• Rates ofdiseasesassociated withpoorenvironmentalhealth (includingwater and foodborne diseases,trachoma,tuberculosis andrheumatic heartdisease)• Access to cleanwater andfunctionalsewerage• Overcrowding inhousing• Employment(full-time/parttime)by sector(public/private),industry andoccupation• Selfemploymentand Indigenousbusiness• Indigenousowned orcontrolled land• Governancecapacity andskills• Case studies ingovernancearrangements3

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