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• Similar patterns to those in the 1995 cohort are also observed from theIndigenous and non-Indigenous participants in the 1998 cohort (table 7A.5.5).• In both the 1995 and 1998 cohorts, Indigenous young people were more likelythan non-Indigenous people to be undertaking vocational education and training,including study at a TAFE institution or in an apprenticeship or traineeship, butless likely to be studying in universities (tables 7A.5.4 and 7A.5.5). This isconsistent with the results reported in section 3.4, Post-secondary education —participation and attainment.The ‘outcome from education’ approachThis approach examines the labour force status of people who have and have notachieved a qualification of certificate level 3 or higher. It shows the relationshipbetween employment outcomes and attainment of a certain level of educationalqualification.Table 7.5.1Labour force status, people aged 18 years and over, agestandardised, 2004-05 aIndigenousNon-IndigenousMales Females Persons Males Females PersonsLabour force participation as a proportion of the population aged 18 years and over (%)Certificate level 3 or higher 79.3 69.6 74.3 80.9 72.3 77.1Balance of population b 57.6 37.5 46.8 71.9 54.4 61.9All people c 62.6 44.5 52.9 76.5 60.8 68.5Employed people as a proportion of the labour force (%)Certificate level 3 or higher 91.5 91.9 91.8 97.2 97.6 97.3Balance of population b 90.7 89.2 90.0 95.6 95.7 95.6All people c 90.7 89.9 90.3 96.4 96.6 96.5a Excludes people still at school. b Includes Certificate 1 and 2 and non-school qualifications. c Includesinadequately described and not stated.Source: ABS 2004-05 NATSIHS and NHS (unpublished); table 7A5.6.In 2004-05:• For both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people aged 18 years and over, thelabour force participation rate for those with a certificate level 3 or higher wasmuch higher than for those with lower levels of qualifications (than certificate 3)or without qualifications; however, the employment rates for those with higherand lower qualifications were similar (table 7.5.1).51

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