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• Indigenous people living in a house not owned or being purchased by a memberof their household were significantly more likely to report illicit drug use(31.8 per cent) than those living in a house that was owned or being purchasedby a member of their household (21.3 per cent) (figure 13.3.2).Figure 13.3.3 Indigenous people aged 18 years and over living inovercrowded housing, as a proportion of populations withcertain educational, labour force, income and home ownershipcharacteristics, 2004-05a, b, c, d80Living in overcrowded housingProportion living in overcrowdedhousing (%)6040200WithoutWithNon-schoolqualificationUnemployedCDEPEmployed(excl.CDEP)Not inlabour forceLabour forceLow 20%High 20%EquivalisedhouseholdincomeLow 20%High 20%IndividualincomeNot ownedOwnedHomeow nershipPop.aged18+a Data on overcrowded housing are based on the Canadian National Occupancy Standard for housingappropriateness, which specifies the number of bedroom(s) required for households of different sizes andcompositions. Households that require two or more additional bedrooms to meet the standard are consideredto be overcrowded b For data related to education, labour force and income, please refer to notes infigure 13.1.1. c Data for high equivalised household income has a relative standard error greater than 50 percent and is considered too unreliable for general use. Data for high individual income has a relative standarderror of 25 to 50 per cent and should be used with caution. d Error bars present 95 per cent confidenceintervals around each estimate (see chapter 2 for more information).Source: ABS 2004-05 NATSIHS (unpublished); tables 13A.3.1 and 13A.3.2.• Overcrowded housing appears to be associated with most headline dimensionsof disadvantage. In 2004-05, high proportions of Indigenous people with lowincome, or who were without non-school qualifications, unemployed, CDEPparticipants or not in the labour force lived in overcrowded housing conditions(figure 13.3.3).MEASURINGMULTIPLEDISADVANTAGE13.19

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