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5.3 BirthweightABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) and AIHW (Australian Institute of Health andWelfare) 2003, The Health and Welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal and TorresStrait Islander Peoples, Cat. no. 4704.0, Canberra.—— 2005, The Health and Welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander Peoples, Cat. no. 4704.0, Canberra.Ah Chee, D., Alley, S. and Milera, S. 2001, ‘Congress Alukura — women’sbusiness’, Proceedings of the 4 th Australian Women’s Health Conference,Adelaide, 19–21 February, pp. 167–174.AIHW 2003, Australia’s Mothers and Babies 2000, Cat. no. PER 21, NationalPerinatal Statistics Unit Sydney, http://www.npsu.unsw.edu.au/ps12.pdf(accessed 11 August 2003).Aspery, W., Jarrett, J. and Donovan, I., 1998, ‘Durri Aboriginal CorporationMedical Service — Djuligalban Program’, pp. 75–77 in: Groos, A., Engeler, T.,Miller, M. and McDonald, M.A, Stories & Ideas from around Australia. GivingAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Babies the Best Start in Life: SupportingBreastfeeding and Good Food Choices for Infants, Department of Social andPreventative Medicine, Northern Clinical School, University of Queensland, theTropical Public Health Unit; and Apunipima, Cape York Health Council, Cairns.Bootle, L. and Toomey, R. 2006, ‘Marrang, “Good and Friend” — an Aboriginalchild and family health model’, presentation from the Greater Western AreaHealth Service at the NSW Health Expo, 19–20th October,http://www.archi.net.au/e-ibrary/health_administration/awards06/access/marrang(accessed 29 March 2007).Carter, E., Lumley, J., Wilson, G., Bell, S. 2004, ‘Alukura … for my daughters andtheir daughters and their daughters. A review of Congress Alukura’, Australianand New Zealand Journal of Public Health; vol. 28, pp. 229–34.Dorman, R. 1997, ‘Ngua Gundi (Mother and Child) Program’, Aboriginal andIslander Health Worker Journal vol. 21, pp. 2–6.Dwyer, G. 2005, ‘Koori Maternity Services’, presentation to the Rural HealthConference, 18–19 May, Beechworth, Victoria,http://www.vha.org.au/content/Presentations/2005/Rural%20Health_2005/A1_Gil%20Dwyer.pdf (accessed 29 March 2007).Fall, C., Vijayakumar, M., Barker, D., Osmond, C. and Duggelby, S. 1995 ‘Weightin infancy and prevalence of coronary heart disease in adult life’, BritishMedical Journal, no. 310, pp.17–19.5.54 OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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