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Figure 3.5.1 CDEP participation, unemployment and labour forceparticipation for Indigenous people aged 15 to 64 years,2004-05 aPer cent of Indigenous population100806040200CDEP Non-CDEP employed Unemployed Not in the labour forceMajor citiesInnerregionalOuterregionalRemote Very remote Australiaa The ABS advise that CDEP participation data in the figure are not directly comparable with those reported inthe 2005 Report as different interview questions were used in the 2002 NATSISS and the 2004-05 NATSIHS.Source: ABS NATSIHS 2004-05 (unpublished); table 3A.5.4.Nationally in 2004-05 there were over 30 000 Indigenous CDEP participants. 6• CDEP participation increased with geographic remoteness, ranging from 2.2 percent of the Indigenous population in major cities to 35.6 per cent in very remoteareas (figure 3.5.1).• Non-CDEP employment declined with increasing remoteness from 50.9 per centin major cities to 15.8 per cent in very remote areas (figure 3.5.1) (see detaileddiscussion of Indigenous employment in chapter 11.).• The NT had the highest CDEP participation rate (23.9 per cent), with substantialCDEP participation rates also in WA and SA (20.7 and 12.5 per centrespectively) (table 3A.5.5).6 The 2004-05 NATSIHS estimated 30 600 Indigenous people on CDEP in 2004-05, which wasmuch lower than records in administrative data, for example, DEWR (2005) reported 34 775CDEP participants as at 30 June 2005.42 OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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