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Figure 3.5.10 Long term unemployment for Indigenous people aged 18 to 64years a, b, c6050Per cent4030201001994 2002 2004-05 1994 2002 2004-05As proportion of the labour forceAs proportion of total unemploymenta Data are not age standardised. b Error bars represent 95 per cent confidence intervals around eachestimate (see chapter 2 for more information). c Percentages represent proportions of the total Indigenouslabour force and total Indigenous people unemployed.Source: ABS 1994 NATSIS, 2002 NATSISS, 2004-05 NATSIHS (unpublished); table 3A.5.8.Consistent with the trend in overall unemployment over the period from 1994 to2004-05, there was a large fall in the long term unemployment rate in theIndigenous labour force aged 18 to 64 years.• The long term unemployment rate of the Indigenous labour force in 2004-05(5.1 per cent) was less than half of that in 1994 (14.2 per cent) (figure 3.5.10).• The number of long term unemployed Indigenous people as a proportion of allunemployed Indigenous people in 2004-05 was not significantly different to thatin 1994 (figure 3.5.10).Employment undertaken by Indigenous people is discussed in more detail inchapter 11, including employment by fulltime and part time status, by sector,industry and skill level (section 11.1), and self employment and Indigenous business(section 11.2).HEADLINEINDICATORS53

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