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wellbeing (and other positive health behaviours) and can also reduce the need forremedial education and social welfare services (Barnett 1993 andReynolds et al. 2002).Box 3.3.2‘Things that work’ — increasing secondary schoolparticipation and attainmentDeadly Vibe magazineDeadly Vibe is a magazine for Indigenous students published by Vibe Australia (anAboriginal media agency) with funding from the Australian Government. The magazinehas been successful in improving educational outcomes. The Australian Council forEducational Research (ACER) conducted an evaluation of Deadly Vibe and found thatthe magazine was having a positive impact. Some of the results include:• 68 per cent of Indigenous students surveyed had been inspired to completesecondary school• 43 per cent of Indigenous students surveyed were encouraged to go to school moreoften• increased engagement with reading translated into improved literacy outcomes(ACER 2004b).Cape York Higher Expectations Program and St Joseph’s Indigenous fundNon-government sector involvement in Indigenous education has been mainly aimedat secondary and tertiary levels in urban areas. The Cape York Institute's HigherExpectations Program (HEP) and St Joseph's Indigenous fund are two examples ofnon-government sector sponsorship of successful scholarship programs for children toboard at private schools.The HEP provides Indigenous children living in the Cape York region with access tosecondary education at Queensland’s most academically successful boardingschools. The HEP provides both financial assistance and ongoing support from aProgram Administrator and Student Support Officer. The Program Administrator andStudent Support Officer maintain regular contact with students, school staff,parents/guardians and home communities, and assist students and their families withtransition and communication issues.The HEP has gone from having six active scholarship participants in 2005 to 24 for2006. Though only a fraction of Cape York students will participate in the HEP, theirsuccess (completion of secondary school and enrolment in tertiary studies) will greatlyimpact on Cape York educational statistics and provide Cape communities with a poolof talented and educated future leaders.The St Joseph's Indigenous fund offers scholarships to Indigenous boys to attendSt Joseph's College at Hunters Hill in Sydney. Started in 1998 with one year 7 studentfrom Walgett, the program has more than 40 Indigenous children whose fees are paid(Continued next page)HEADLINEINDICATORS21

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