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• reviewing and re-engineering programmes and services to ensure they deliverpractical measures that support families, children and young people. Inparticular, governments agreed to look at measures for tackling familyviolence, drug and alcohol dependency and other symptoms of communitydysfunction; and• forging greater links between the business sector and Indigenous communitiesto help promote economic independence.The Council agreed to take a leading role in driving the necessary changes and willperiodically review progress under these arrangements. The first review will be intwelve months. Where they have not already done so, Ministerial Councils willdevelop action plans, performance reporting strategies and benchmarks.The Ministerial Council on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs willcontinue its overarching coordination and performance monitoring roles, includingits contribution to the work of the Review of Commonwealth/State ServiceProvision.Extract from COAG Communiqué 5 April 2002RECONCILIATIONThe Council reaffirmed its continuing commitment to advance reconciliation andaddress the social and economic disadvantages experienced by many IndigenousAustralians.The Council considered a report on progress in implementing the reconciliationframework agreed by the Council in November 2000 (will be available atwww.dpmc.gov.au/docs/comm_state_index.cfm). The report shows that allgovernments have made progress in addressing the COAG priorities of leadership,reviewing and re-engineering programmes to assist Indigenous families andpromoting Indigenous economic independence. Ministerial councils have also madeprogress in developing action plans and performance reporting strategies, althoughthis has been slower than expected.To underpin the commitment to reconciliation and to drive future work, the Councilagreed to a trial of a whole-of-governments cooperative approach in up to 10communities or regions. The aim of these trials will be to improve the waygovernments interact with each other and with communities to deliver moreeffective responses to the needs of Indigenous Australians. The lessons learnt fromA1.2 OVERCOMINGINDIGENOUSDISADVANTAGE 2007

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