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studying, for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, across remotenessareas. It is important, however, to keep in mind that a proportion of Indigenouspeople are CDEP participants (who are classified as employed) (for 2004-05,28.8 per cent of those aged 15 to 24 years in remote areas) (tables 7A.5.2 and3A.5.4).Figure 7.5.2 Proportion of people aged 18 to 24 years who were notemployed and not studyinga, b, cIndigenousNon-IndigenousPer cent of population100806040200Males Females Males Females2002 2004-05a Not employed comprises people unemployed or not in the labour force. b Non-Indigenous data for remoteand very remote areas are not provided by the ABS as they are considered too small to produce reliableestimates, but these data have been attributed appropriately to national estimates. c Error bars represent 95per cent confidence intervals around each estimate (see chapter 2 for more information).Source: ABS 2004-05 NATSIHS and NHS, 2002 NATSISS and GSS (unpublished); table 7A.5.2.In 2004-05:• The proportions of both Indigenous males and females aged 18 to 24 years whowere not employed (unemployed or not in the labour force) and not studyingwere around three times higher than for their non-Indigenous counterparts(figure 7.5.2).• For both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people aged 18 to 24 years, femaleswere more likely than males to be not employed and not studying.• From 2002 to 2004-05, there was no statistically significant change in theproportions of Indigenous and non-Indigenous males and females aged 18 to24 years who were not employed and not studying. However, this does not takeinto account the proportion of Indigenous people who were engaged in CDEPand therefore classified as employed (in 2004-05, 8.8 per cent of those aged15 to 24 years) (figure 7.5.2; table 3A.5.5).49

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