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Data on water testing and treatment in discrete Indigenous communities are onlyavailable for those communities that are not connected to a nearby mainstream townsupply, and data were not collected in ‘administered’ communities with a populationof fewer than 50.The definition for the CHINS data item for water test failures does not specifywhether one sample failed testing, all samples failed testing or whether water wasoutside the failure rates permitted by the various water quality guidelines. Therefore,results should be interpreted with caution.Figure 10.2.3 Testing of drinking water failed, in discrete Indigenouscommunities not connected to town supply, by reported usualpopulation, 2006 a, b10080Per cent604020050–99 100–199 200–499 500–999 1000 or morePopulation of communitya In the 12 months prior to the survey. b Excludes communities connected to town supply. Data not collectedin 'administered' communities with a population of fewer than 50. Totals include ‘not stated’.Source: ABS 2006 CHINS, Cat. no. 4710.0; table 10A.2.3.• In discrete Indigenous communities not connected to town supply, where waterwas sent away for testing in 2006, between 18.2 per cent and 39.4 per cent(depending on the size of the community) failed the testing (figure 10.2.3).• In 2006, there were 194 Indigenous communities with populations of 50 or morethat were not connected to a town water supply. Three-quarters of these(149 communities) had drinking water sent away for testing (table 10A.2.3).• Of the 149 communities that had drinking water sent away for testing,48 communities (28.8 per cent) failed the testing. These communities had acombined population of 12 059 people (table 10A.2.3).EFFECTIVEENVIRONMENTALHEALTH SYSTEMS10.19

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