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Table 6A.3.46Table 6A.3.47Table 6A.3.48Proportion of year 5 students who achieved the writing benchmark, 2005 (percent)Proportion of year 7 students who achieved the writing benchmark, 2005 (percent)Participation in writing testing by school sector, 2005 (per cent)Table 6A.3.49 Exemptions, absences and participation by equity group in writing testing, 2005(per cent)Table 6A.3.50 Proportion of year 3 students who achieved the numeracy benchmark, 2005(per cent)Table 6A.3.51 Proportion of year 5 students who achieved the numeracy benchmark, 2005(per cent)Table 6A.3.52 Proportion of year 7 students who achieved the numeracy benchmark, 2005(per cent)Table 6A.3.53 Participation in numeracy testing by school sector, 2005 (per cent)Table 6A.3.54Table 6A.3.55Table 6A.3.56Table 6A.3.57Table 6A.3.58Table 6A.3.59Table 6A.3.60Table 6A.3.61Exemptions, absences and participation by equity group in numeracy testing,2005 (per cent)Proportion of year 6 students achieving at or above the proficient standard inscience literacy, 2003 (per cent)Proportion of years 6 and 10 students achieving at or above the proficientstandard in civics and citizenship performance, Australia, 2004 (per cent)Proportion of 15 year old secondary students achieving at or above the OECDmean for reading literacy (per cent)Proportion of students achieving level 3 or above in the overall reading literacyscale (per cent)Proportion of 15 year old secondary students achieving at or above the OECDmean for mathematical literacy (per cent)Proportion of 15 year old secondary students achieving at or above the OECDmean for scientific literacy (per cent)Proportion of 15 year old secondary students achieving at or above the OECDmean for problem solving, 2003 (per cent)6.6 References6 Early school engagementConnell, R.W., White, V.M., and Johnston, K.M. 1991, Running Twice as Hard: theDisadvantaged Schools Program in Australia, Deakin University Press,Geelong.Connell, R.W., Ashenden, D.J., Kessler, S. and Dowsett, G.W. 1982, Making theDifference: Schools, Families and Social Division, Allen & Unwin, Sydney.Fine, M.,1991, Framing Dropouts: Notes on the Politics of an Urban Public HighSchool, State University of New York Press, Albany.EARLY SCHOOLENGAGEMENT ANDPERFORMANCE6.21

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